08 US Presidential Race

i agree that we need to deal with health care, alternative fuels, environmental programs, etc... but i don't agree with how obama wants to change them (i don't agree with mccain on them all either)

i have a feeling universal health care is too drastic, there are other ways we could fix health care with out going to universal.

we need to focus heavily on creating alternative fuels but creating a reliable source and getting the country to use it will take time. so, while focusing on that, we should also drill in Alaska to slowly break the ties from foreign oil, hopefully lower gas prices (sadly, that's up to the oil companies), and it won't be as drastic of a change on the world economy if we slowly break away from foreign oil over a period of 20-30 years rather than a peroid of 10-20 years. (of course, this only applies if we can supply ourselves with an alternative fuel source)

as for the enviromental programs, we defiantly need to fund that as much as possible for obvious reasons
^^^According to your stance on the Iraq war, finishing what you started etc... this is my failed attempt at an analogy you might understand..

Some guy (We'll call him George) told you that 'Mr. X' said he had a gun and he was going to kill you. So you decided to get a bunch of friends to back you up, who agreed because they were under the belief they were protecting you. So you and your friends go to Mr. X's home, punch him in the face and start kicking his ass before you find out everything George told you was a lie or an extreme exaggeration. You search the house and never find a gun, nor anything at all that shows Mr. X wanted to harm you, but there's a lot of evidence that shows George and his friends lied to you had had something to gain from you going to Mr. X's house.... what is the logical response to such a discovery? You stay in his house? Try to clean it? Don't offer an apology but instead make it seem like it's some kind of tough love that will make his house better? Seems insane to me.
^^^According to your stance on the Iraq war, finishing what you started etc... this is my failed attempt at an analogy you might understand..

Some guy (We'll call him George) told you that 'Mr. X' said he had a gun and he was going to kill you. So you decided to get a bunch of friends to back you up, who agreed because they were under the belief they were protecting you. So you and your friends go to Mr. X's home, punch him in the face and start kicking his ass before you find out everything George told you was a lie or an extreme exaggeration. You search the house and never find a gun, nor anything at all that shows Mr. X wanted to harm you, but there's a lot of evidence that shows George and his friends lied to you had had something to gain from you going to Mr. X's house.... what is the logical response to such a discovery? You stay in his house? Try to clean it? Don't offer an apology but instead make it seem like it's some kind of tough love that will make his house better? Seems insane to me.

i know what you're saying though that is a huge exaggeration. and as for the friends that you mention in your story, didn't multiple countries go to iraq? such as Britain and that's the only one i can think of off the top of my head :lol: and i don't think they apologized either (if i'm wrong, i'll punch myself in the head) yet they just left for the US to clean up everything. also, we did find enriched uranium. secondly, we announced that we were going to iraq 2-3 weeks before we actually went so if you were mr. x, wouldn't you get rid of anything that could prove you were trying to hurt george?
well put sir. he should try to clean it up though instead of pressing on and being stubborn. Once thing that did piss me off was the fact the he demands that Russia get out of Georgia because they should be invading other countries or whatever, when we are doing the same thing, or something similar to it.
well put sir. he should try to clean it up though instead of pressing on and being stubborn. Once thing that did piss me off was the fact the he demands that Russia get out of Georgia because they should be invading other countries or whatever, when we are doing the same thing, or something similar to it.

first of all, we went into iraq for a totally different reason than russia going into georgia... think before you voice your opinion and no, i'm not trying to put you down, i'm stating a valid fact
i know what you're saying though that is a huge exaggeration. and as for the friends that you mention in your story, didn't multiple countries go to iraq? such as Britain and that's the only one i can think of off the top of my head :lol: and i don't think they apologized either (if i'm wrong, i'll punch myself in the head) yet they just left for the US to clean up everything. also, we did find enriched uranium. secondly, we announced that we were going to iraq 2-3 weeks before we actually went so if you were mr. x, wouldn't you get rid of anything that could prove you were trying to hurt george?

omg... I typed out that retarded analogy with ONE HAND and you STILL don't understand. Your president, and his intelligent agencies LIED to you and the other governments, through falsified documents and bullshit intelligence and then played on OMG 9/11 fears to get more support. Secondly, you need a lot more than enriched Uranium to make a nuclear missile program, and MANY investigations proved there were NO capabilities to start one, nor was there even one that existed for many many years. Yeah, some things could have been hidden and destroyed, but EVERYTHING? Nothing in the world cleans up that nicely, don't be naive.

think before you voice your opinion

Please take your own advice.
omg... I typed out that retarded analogy with ONE HAND and you STILL don't understand. Your president, and his intelligent agencies LIED to you and the other governments, through falsified documents and bullshit intelligence and then played on OMG 9/11 fears to get more support. Secondly, you need a lot more than enriched Uranium to make a nuclear missile program, and MANY investigations proved there were NO capabilities to start one, nor was there even one that existed for many many years. Yeah, some things could have been hidden and destroyed, but EVERYTHING? Nothing in the world cleans up that nicely, don't be naive.

partially true but either way we're not going to reach a middle ground on this. as for the other govts, we didn't grab them by the balls and drag them to iraq, they came with us. we jumped to conclusions because we were still in the OMG 9/11 mode. was iraq a mistake? you're damn right it was. should we go the obama way and pull out? no. even if we won't admit we're wrong and apologize, we should help fix our mess. yes, i know, that's the most ignorant thing i've said yet, but, pulling out is the wrong thing to do right now

personally i think we should've went to iran instead iraq but, that's a debate for another day :p
Your father should have pulled out. It would have been the right thing to do.

funny story, he did... and it didn't work.

i'm not joking either

i was talking to him and he said to me "want proof that pulling out doesn't work? look at yourself" yes, my dad is a dick

i am proof that pulling out doesn't work



partially true but either way we're not going to reach a middle ground on this.
What is NOT true about what I said? Please tell me.

as for the other govts, we didn't grab them by the balls and drag them to iraq, they came with us.
Well, some wanted to help because of 9/11 and they wanted to be by the USA's side, some just wanted to gain favour and MANY nations literally sent NO support but just tagged there name onto the 'coalition' to make the invasion look more valid and internationally accepted when in reality it was just a unilateral thing the USA pushed for and the UK helped. Honestly, who the fuck would NOT want to help, Canada didn't and you guys fried us but we were fighting the REAL war on terror in Afghanistan so you couldn't say shit, but you fucking BOYCOTTED FRANCE.... I mean how childish is that, they were not deserving of a boycott, nations like Saudi Arabia needed one more really.

For the record, a lot of nations said NO.

we jumped to conclusions because we were still in the OMG 9/11 mode.

Actually no. War is ALWAYS a last resort, if you weren't sure you shouldn't have rushed in, the fact that you were LIED to and it was made to seem like you're were sure, and war was necessary, that was the problem.
was iraq a mistake? you're damn right it was. should we go the obama way and pull out? no.

Obama isn't going to pull out you idiot, he;s actually going to send MORE troops... wtf, you ignorant fool :lol: I got so trolled.

Iran did nothing either, btw moron.
Exactly, I'm pretty sure many American's aren't even aware of Obama's foreign policy. It is pretty much the same as McCain's (from what I have heard, I haven't really looked into it). I think we should be out by 2011/2012 (?)
^^Yeah, both are staying in Iraq until around that time AT LEAST... seriously this kid is an idiot, he hears other republicans say "LIBERAL SCUM WANTS TO PULL OUT OF IRAQ, TAKE OUR GUNS AND LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE AND MAKE ABORTIONS MORE ACCESSIBLE!" and he takes it as fact... fuck :rolleyes: