08 US Presidential Race

do we need privatized social security?
no, are you fuckign stupid?

do we need 100 more years of war with iraq?
no, are you fucking stupid?

do we need war with Iran?
no, are you fucking stupid?

do we need someone who opposes roe v. wade?
no, are you fucking stupid?

should we want someone who is quoted as saying, "the issue of economics is something that I’ve never really understood as well as I should?"
because apparently 47 million Americans without health insurance isn't a problem?

will drilling in alaska solve the oil crisis?
no, are you fucking stupid?

how about the cluster fuck that was hurricane katrina?
McCain and Bush were busy cutting cake in Arizona. it was McCaine's birthday.

John McCain finished in the bottom of his Naval Academy Class. Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review.

are you fucking stupid?

do we need privatized social security?
no, are you fucking ignorant? i said i preferred mccain, i never said i sucked his dick

do we need 100 more years of war with iraq?
wtf are you talking about? do you know anything about this fucking war? we don't have a timeline for it but we do have goals we have to accomplish before we leave. there are 14 phases of the iraq war, we're at #9

do we need war with Iran?
no, mccain never said he would invade them but if they fuck with us, even obama said he'd retaliate

do we need someone who opposes roe v. wade?
i support abortion. and it doesn't matter if he likes or not, presidents can't change laws

will drilling in alaska solve the oil crisis?
no, however, it will help us until we have an alternative fuel source and until we have most of america using that alternative fuel source

how about the cluster fuck that was hurricane katrina?
the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of new Orleans didn't do such a great job themselves

John McCain finished in the bottom of his Naval Academy Class. Barack Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review.
and what exactly is obama's plan for change?

do you actually research any of these topics that we're debating? aka are you fucking stupid?
sorry that you'd rather suck obama's cock than try to accept somebody else's opinion as a true and valid opinion of a human being who has different views than you.
If I think you're an idiot with a narrow view of the world does that mean I want to fellate Mr. Obama as well?

i've listened to everything that swabs has said and respected all of his opinions, do i agree? no. does that make me and "idiot"? no

but it shows how much of a life you have... posting on forums and cradling the rolling stones magazine

He is a closet-case dick sucker. Just like anyone who believes McCain is a better alternative than Obama. Enjoy your failed conserative polices (and old-man aids).

I'm a going to create my own country. WHOSE WITH ME?!
He is a closet-case dick sucker. Just like anyone who believes McCain is a better alternative than Obama. Enjoy your failed conserative polices (and old-man aids).

I'm a going to create my own country. WHOSE WITH ME?!
Well, you know I don't know when McCain became the bad guy, I like him, I respect him, I just don't think his policies are really going to change much. Same can apply to Obama, but I just feel that Obama brings a little more to the table and isn't as out of touch with the world as McCain. And after his VP pick, now I am scared he will die, and she will take over :erk:
^^ I remember from a previous discussion you were defending Bush as a good president. You are out of touch with American politics and lack an understanding in why we are in a recession... and you just might be an intellectual illiterate, but that is aside the point. For fuck sake I really hate your racist and ignorant self.
^^ I remember from a previous discussion you were defending Bush as a good president. You are out of touch with American politic and lack an understanding in my we are in a recession... and you just might be an intellectual illiterate, but that is aside the point. For fuck sake I really hate your racist and ignorant self.

i never said he was a good president, i was saying that he was not as bad as everybody makes him out to be. after all, congress did back the iraq war along with over 80% of america. and don't even say the war was based on a lie, we knew why we were going there and for the record we did find enriched uranium there.

and i know we're in a recession, and i feel bad for those who don't realize that. bush knows, he just doesn't want to get blamed for anything else :lol:

and sorry you don't like me :p however, it does make this place more interesting when i give everyone the opportunity to flame me :lol:

I know.

I always end up asking myself, "Is this the best America can offer?" :erk:

You know, I do in general support small government. I actually liked Libertarian canadate Mike Gravel earlier on. If I were to vote Republican, it would have been for Ron Paul (his government policies actually made sense). But for all practically purposes, I am a Democrat. I like Obama, I think he is a step in the right direction, but he is not going to bring about catastrophic change. At least he is TRYING. Issues like health care, alternative fuels, environmental programs, etc., need to be dealt with.