Finally I uploaded some pics! They are VERY big, I'm sorry. Tomorrow I will reduce their size and... add more
[I have at least 80
I want to share them with all the people who couldn't be there and enjoy this magic night: I hope these pictures can transmit to you some of my feelings.
This was the setlist:
-My Starving Bambina
-Memoria Stoica/Vetro
-Venezia Dismal (Novembre dedicated this song to all the people in Veneto... their "second home", as Carmelo said)
-The Dream of the Old Boats
-Child of the Twilight
About the videos: the audio quality is bad
I have already uploaded the first minute of Aquamarine [just like the sample
], but 'My Starving Bambina' and 'Nostalgiaplatz' are too big for sites like youtube... I don't know what to do 
btw, the show was AMAZING. I was in the first row, just in front of Carmelo... so I could give him my drawing!!! I am VERY VERY VERY happy.
At the end of the evening I also had the chance to talk with Carmelo and Giuseppe and take a photo with both of them
They're so nice... I hope to see them again as soon as possible.
What more can I say?

I want to share them with all the people who couldn't be there and enjoy this magic night: I hope these pictures can transmit to you some of my feelings.
This was the setlist:
-My Starving Bambina
-Memoria Stoica/Vetro
-Venezia Dismal (Novembre dedicated this song to all the people in Veneto... their "second home", as Carmelo said)
-The Dream of the Old Boats
-Child of the Twilight
About the videos: the audio quality is bad

btw, the show was AMAZING. I was in the first row, just in front of Carmelo... so I could give him my drawing!!! I am VERY VERY VERY happy.
At the end of the evening I also had the chance to talk with Carmelo and Giuseppe and take a photo with both of them

What more can I say?