Classica re-relesed by Peceville!

Just got my copy yesterday, after nearly a month of anxiously waiting!

A few observations -

The in-your-face drum mix is toned back a bit, which i miss....Everything seems almost drenched in reverb on this version, which makes everything a little more vague. More atmospheric, yes, but considerably different from the original mix.

I'm not sure what Carmelo's preference is for auto-tuning his vocals, perhaps he prefers an obviously auto-tuned sound over something more natural that products like Melodyne can provide. Many of my 'pet-peeve' vocal parts from the original are fixed, albeit a bit obviously. The vocal mix is drastically different, the screaming in particular is much further back, and soaked in more reverb.

On the good side though, everything seems more "roped in" and tighter...i'm unsure if they did any post-production editing work on the drums and guitar, but the timing seems better than the previous release. While some might miss the raw, punchy mix of the first version, i think this is still a fine introduction to the album for anybody that missed it the first time around.
Just got my copy yesterday, after nearly a month of anxiously waiting!

A few observations -

The in-your-face drum mix is toned back a bit, which i miss....

Just as the cd sleevenotes state, the album has not been remixed. There was used nothing more than some delays, and effects on gts. Layered upon the original mix.
The rest of the differences you hear are from mastering, which is nothing more than a professional equalization of the final product..
