Ultimate set list?

Aug 27, 2005
Southern California, USA
What would be the ultimate Novembre set list?

Considering Materia is not out yet, and no one really knows the names of the new songs other than aquamarine... we'll exclude Materia from this.

In no particular order id have say...

Behind My window/Seas of south
Swim Seagull
Love Story
Onirica East
Foto Blu
Venezia Dismal
Come Pierrot
Flower or Conservatory

and close the set with
The Dream

that would make the set just about an hour and 20 minutes. i'd say its worth a plane ticket across the pond to europe from the states. :loco:

and is it me or is april just taking forever to get here?
Pioggia... January Tunes
My Starving Bambina
Child of the Twilight
The Dream of Old boats
Marea (Part I,II,III)
Old Lighthouse Tale
Nursery Rhymes
Foto Blu Infinito

Then Carmelo would scream something like "Grazzie portugalé"

Tales from an april to come, I agree it's taking ages.. :-)
I disagree, it's coming too fast for me...
By the way, I'd like to hear all the first part of Arte Novecento (until Photograph), the whole Novembrine Waltz and some tracks from Classica, maybe Nostalgiaplatz, My Starving Bambina, Cold Blue Steel and something else...
Oh... Wildhoney, do you have (somewhere) the live set Novembre did in april 2004? When they played 4 dates around Italy with Ensoph and other bands... I forgot it but we talked enough about that in the old forum...
Come Pierrot
My Starving Bambina
A Memory
Swim Seagull In The Sky
Love Story
Behind My Window/My Seas Of South
Child Of The Twilight
Pioggia... January Tunes
The Dream Of The Old Boats
Cold Blue Steel

This one was played 3 yeas ago in Pavia, near Milan. I was there... :worship:
pioggia...january tunes
cold blue steel
tales from a winter to come
old lighthouse tale
onirica east
L'époque Noire
conservatory ressonance
sirens in filth
dream of the old boats
Oh... Wildhoney, do you have (somewhere) the live set Novembre did in april 2004? When they played 4 dates around Italy with Ensoph and other bands... I forgot it but we talked enough about that in the old forum...

'Oh Bandy', you won't believe it, but the famous guy who had preparred the cd for me never sent it, although I posted him several mails and also caught him on msn... unbelievable :yell: . Well, he says that he's very busy with its work... But now that you reminded me, I'll try to speak again with him on msn or just send him another mail. The funny thing is that he lives close to me, but we never met. Meanwhile, 2 years have passed :OMG:

As to the set-list, as I've written a lot of times here and there on this forum, I'd just like 'em to play more songs from 'Arte Novecento', such as 'Will' and 'Nursery Rhyme', which are my faves - 2gether with 'Homecoming', which sometimes they're used to play or better, it's written in the set-list but then it''s more the times they exclude it :erk: , lack of time or whatever, I don't know.
And, of course, each respectable show should include all the times
:worship: Behind my window/my seas of South and The dream of the old boats :worship:
I would be happy seeing Novembre play any of their songs, but my perfect setlist would be, in no order except for Old Lighthouse Tale, which I think would make a good opener:

Old Lighthouse Tale
Come Pierrot
Pioggia... January Tunes
Sirens in Filth
Foto Blu Infinito
Behind My Window/My Seas of South
My Starving Bambina
Child of the Twilight
Nursery Rhyme
The White Eyed
Tales From a Winter to Come
The Dream of the Old Boats
Neanderthal Sands

1 and a half hours of utter orgasmic pleasure.