Nina said:
The Old Dead Tree rocked, thought their sound was very bad (they didnt had the chance for a soundcheck, and the singer was very nervous, you could hear it pretty well) Mandragora Scream was ermm... annoying and disgusting. What that bitch does on stage cannot be named 'singing'. Daylight Dies was OK. Mortiis was hilarious. Just hilarious, that's all. And erm,... I was talking outside and I forgot to watch Katatonia's gig
I quite agree with you my dear Nina...
It's true that TODT rocked the place, pity that they played first in front of not many people...

I was just behind you during their gig I think... I'm sure you noticed me, I was the only one with a cap and short pants! :Spin:
Mandragora scream sucked, especially their female singer... It was weird, they looked like frightened and seemed not to play together... Anyway, the guitar player has a great voice, very lyric, and it was the only good point!
Daylight dies was OK, but not much than OK, they sure need to grow up a bit but they're promising! Even if they sounded like old Paradise Lost or old Katatonia!
And Mortiis was faaaaaar better than I expected... Much metal, and the troll is quite a good performer! The bad point is that each song sounded the same on stage...
Katatonia was great, even if the sound was quite bad... Jonas is a great singer but very shy, and their music is still so beautiful... Even my GF enjoyed it a lot!
It was a great evening in Ghent, even if I was dead tired (ask Mariner why

)... And to the UM mates that were there (Cerulean, Nina, Mariner & Gothica777), I'll sure pay you a beer next time, when i'll got more time!