10/5 Katatonia Ghent

talking 'bout f1, i still remember that massive crash at spa some years ago. it was the best f1 crash ever. and then they took the spa grand-prix off the schedual... :lol:
Thortyir said:
Ooooooooh, don't be so irritable, there's nothing wrong with Hungary... At least YOU got a F1 Grand-Prix... :(:(:(

NP: A perfect circle "Thomas"

I'm (partly) kidding. But it's just so tiring, you know... people should come up with something more original next time. Like "Oh, Hungary? I'm not turned on now, thank you" :)

Oh, the F1, the ring is in a place called Mogyoród, which, if taken as a slang word, can be translated as "your balls".
how "hungary:90% communist free since 1989"
"hungary: we're not as bad a romania"

we need a thread on this subject. pronto
yeah communists were always staunch muzzie men too. what is about 'taches and political extremists? hilter, joe s,saddam, magaret thatcher.
yeah dem lazy liberals always have the little beards, does she wear a beret by any chance.

politicians in ballhead revelation!!! shock!!
If she wanted to wear it, I'd not let her do it. She wore a checked kerchief round her neck, the young one too. They looked cool. Though it's more like partisan-style.

*political discrepancy*

My grandma just doesn't understand how a she-dog can possibly wear a beard.

*gender discrepancy*
what type of dog?? some breeds are more inclined to join resistance movements while others are notorious informers. never trust a bulldog for example
Bambi said:
what type of dog?? some breeds are more inclined to join resistance movements while others are notorious informers. never trust a bulldog for example

Well, she's a German wirehaired pointer, no idea who she'd side if it came to war. I think she's most likely to stay neutral, like Switzerland, although her geographical position doesn't really allow that (moving between her original place in the hall and the living room, with my doghater grandma's demarcation line and the threat of occasional walking-stick raids on the hall-living room-kitchen axis). The problem is my grandma is the hinterland, she usually cooks her meal.
so the grandma controls her supply lines?? hmmmmm
she can do what our dog does and make raids into the kitchen to liberate food stuffs then guerrila style fur attacks on the living room sofa and any items of clothing left unguarded. Sure, there'll be reprisals but dogs expect that. and dont be suprised if she formed an alliance with the grandma though, dogs know what side their bread is buttered on
Bambi said:
so the grandma controls her supply lines?? hmmmmm
she can do what our dog does and make raids into the kitchen to liberate food stuffs then guerrila style fur attacks on the living room sofa and any items of clothing left unguarded. Sure, there'll be reprisals but dogs expect that. and dont be suprised if she formed an alliance with the grandma though, dogs know what side their bread is buttered on

That's what I've long been suspecting. Though the dog could hide it well, my grandma sometimes gives herself away, failing to project her slipper missiles at the dog with adequate vehemence.

My other dog was no opportunist though. She was in love with me and would go on a kamikaze attack for me. A Hungarian breed, hehe, uncompromising, quick, dark-haired and crazy.