10/5 Katatonia Ghent

Funny, you should've noticed us. I was wearing me Opeth shirt ( :cool: ) and was like the youngest person in that place, and Pieter was wearing a Gathering shirt.

Old Dead Tree didn't impress me as much as I wanted them to do. It was far from bad though.
The second band was so fucking lame, Pieter and me left the place to eat some proper Belgian fries and hamburger.
Daylight Dies rocked the place! A very nice surprise.
Mortiis sucked balls, man I was just waiting and waiting till it was done. Oh, there was something funny though, that troll is fucking aggressive haha. He threw away his mic stick away like 20 times or something (his roadie was so dumb to put it back on stage again).
And Katatonia? :worship:;
hahaha, Mortiis was really funny with his mic... I didn't want to be the man behind the black curtain on the right side of the stage! :lol:

And, Piet, Nina was wearing black robe & black t-shirt (long sleeve though) and a grey camera! ;););)
No joke here Don, this troll is REALLY agressive, it's amazing... He also poured some water in the audience very violently... My girlfriend received it in her eye and was a bit hurt! :(

His micophone support was a "I" when he gets on stage, and a "S" whan he left... :lol:
Thortyir said:
Nice pics... and very small but crowded place!
The audiance seems to be more "metal" than here...

Actually, it was too metal for me :) I came out of the moshpit after half of the opening Ghost of the Sun, because I just couldn't stand my mate growling "I trusted you..." into my right ear all the way through, and he also headbanged his hear into my eyes. :(
i was wondering if there are any pics from Danny's gig in hungary available on the net!?

Dhatura do yer have any or know where to find some?
Nina said:
Purple make up? Me? :Smug: Not at all.

Thortyir, you even noticed my nosepiercing, why didn't you say hello then???

Sorry my dear Nina, I wasn't sure it was you... and I speak quite bad flemish... Ask Gorik & Pieter about that! :cool::D

Next time I'll kiss you twice on the cheeks and buy you a beer... :)

And in fact, you seemed quite absorbed by the Old Dead Tree show...

I was about 1 meter behind you, with black Moonspell short pants, white No-Lokost T-shirt & a black Biohazard cap... (I was the only one with a cap too...) I was with my girlfriend & a friend of mine...:wave:
Dhatura said:
Actually, it was too metal for me :) I came out of the moshpit after half of the opening Ghost of the Sun, because I just couldn't stand my mate growling "I trusted you..." into my right ear all the way through, and he also headbanged his hear into my eyes. :(

I know what you mean... :tickled: It happened to me several times, I'm not a "front row" fan anymore... people are quite boring most of the time...

But at Katatonia's gig staurday, I was in the second row, just behind the boys Cerulean & Mariner... :cool:
Morpheus said:
i was wondering if there are any pics from Danny's gig in hungary available on the net!?

Dhatura do yer have any or know where to find some?

No, unfortunately, I don't have anything and I haven't found anything :( Ghostie gave me a link of some photos of The Dethroners gig that was on the following day, and where Danny played Fragile Dreams, but it seems I deleted her e-mail *stupid*