10/9 show at the Marquee (Tempe, AZ) - anybody from the forums coming?

...amazing gig, but alas...the bus area was indeed blocked off. I tried to let the security guard let me back, but no avail.

But hey, the most important thing about a show is the performance, and Opeth did a mighty fine job! I loved the live rendition of Lotus Eater, and it was great to hear Deliverance with the added keyboards as well!
Good show! The Night and The Silent Water was the highlight for me. The crowd was lame at points. The sound mix was atrocious. Every Opeth gig the sound mix is always bad. But other than that I had a great time! Band was tight!

BTW please take Drapery off the setlist. Seen that song live way too many times.
Great show. I was amazed by The Grand Conjuration. I really do not like that song, but it was amazing live.

Very disapointed in the sound also. It was all over the place. From muddy and drowned out, to someone literally turning the treble up to the max with ear splitting sounds. I was all the way in the back but it was just an odd mix.

Glad to see them though. It was a very fun night. Well worth the 23 dollars per ticket I spent for me and my boys.
Great show. I was amazed by The Grand Conjuration. I really do not like that song, but it was amazing live.

I agree, I was amazed! Especially that part where they reprise the intro, I think I came during that. Anyway, great show, it was my first Opeth show and I was not dissapointed. Heir Apparent was also amazing live, it was like they brought a giant bulldozer full of dead babies dressed in corpsepaint onstage. But yeah, the sound had WAY TOO MUCH FUCKING TREBLE. I was in tears by the end of the show because I had such a bad headache. But oh well, it was worth it, and if any band could ever rape my ears, I'm glad that band was Opeth. The only sucky part was that everyone else around me was really fucking tall, so I had to look inbetween them to see the band. But still, holy fuck!
Humm, had to register just to post about this.
Suuuuch a great show. My first time seeing Opeth, and I'm so glad I went. Had to drive up from Tucson by myself, but it was by far worth it. Much more rewarding
http://www.flickr.com/photos/jgunsch/sets/72157607927508267/ -- not the best pictures, but a few.
Did anyone find out what was with their t-shirts? I saw a note where they were selling the shirts about "ask me about who this guy is and why I should buy this shirt", but I didn't want to bother with waiting in line just to ask.
TGC live is 100x better than TGC on the album.

True, but I'd take another song off MAYH over TGC anyday. It seems like TGC was the only song half the crowd knew at the show. The section i was in looked like they were going to fall asleep during Hope Leaves and The Night And Silent Water.
Yes, the show was amazing. It was funny when the mosh pit started during High on Fire's set. I was like next to this really skinny, frail-looking guy who almost got destroyed by a one-man mosh. Later on I was surprised people actually moshed during heavy but slow parts. I never woulda thought Opeth was moshable at all (I still don't think so).

The people was kinda weird. There was lots of emo-looking guys and chicks... I didn't know they could dig Opeth, being so heavy and all.

The actual sign on the face tee was "Ask me about Jorge and why you should buy this shirt". There were two of them, side by side, so I thought maybe there was a guy named Jorge who looked like the pic. Then they explained the fact that it was a composite of all of Opeth's member's faces. I already knew that, and was surprised it wasn't common knowledge, but there it is.

On a side note... $30 for a shirt? Geeez... (I still bought one, but would've bought them all had they been non-insanely priced).
Oh I almost forgot. I also got screwed because they didn't take my peruvian id, even though I am 26... They asked for my passport. I mean, why would I bring my passport to a friggin' metal concert? It seems kinda dumb that I can drive with my driver's license but can't drink :(

The woman at the door actually used the term "baby face"... really hairy baby face perhaps...

Still, a fuckin' awesome show :)