10 year anniversary video!

Tommy had a mullet in his first apearance....
or am i seeing things... cause i swear that was a mullet.

Anyway, for your 20th aniversary you should make a full length vid for the great escape (The song not the entire album... although...)
Thank you so much for putting this together! Hooray for coughing solos and the special PPUSA shout-out. :grin: Happy holidays to you guys! Hope to see you all in the States again at some point.

Tommy had a mullet in his first apearance....
or am i seeing things... cause i swear that was a mullet.

Oh thank God, I don't have to be the first one to point this out. :lol:
Thanks for all the time you've spent in creating the videos, Andreas! Very entertaining! :popcorn:

Great to see how it all began and to see some (funny) stuff that has never been seen before - and we can understand the reasons for that :) .
It was also funny to see how you've all made some (physical) changes as well throughout these years (although you changed the least I guess).
Make sure to shoot a lot of material in the next ten years....

I agree, Andreas almost looks like he was in 2001. :D

BTW, very nice and entertaining clips. Wish you and the other guys all the best. Have a rockin' Christmas!!
Absolutely awesome, that was great to watch.

Honestly, the best thing to ever happen was Seventh Wonder and Andi Kravljaka parting ways. It allowed Seventh Wonder to get Tommy and get even better, and Andi went on to join Silent Call, who are fantastic. In fact, Silent Call and Seventh Wonder's 2010 releases are my #1 and #2 of this year!
I don't think we could say thanks enough for taking the time to do that Andreas!!! You rule!!!

I am so keeping my fingers crossed that ProgPower isn't the last time to ever see you guys live...
WOW, simply awesome! Actually the best way to close the chapters, both 2010 and the first "10 years" period.
This is the first year, since 2007, we don't meet.
I guess it will be different in 2011.

All the best guys, to you and to your families :wave:
Awesome...thanks for sharing. I was going to give you some grief over the Vanilla Ice cover, then I realized that I know all the lyrics and it was the only song I'd storm the dance floor to back in the 9th grade! :)
Have only just 'discovered' you guys and am blown away by your music. It was great to see how you have 'evolved' over the past ten years. You seem to get better and better, and you started from a high base anyway. :grin:
Brilliant stuff.

Just watched through it and it's so much fun to watch it, great effort from Andreas, thanks!