
[rant] im also finding myself looking at less and less threads. in all honesty and no offense to some people, but the main reason i still hang around on here other than the fact that i love COB, is the people that were here when i first came on here and some that came shortly after. people like tut, thomas, EFF, my new wife SSJ4:lol:, janina, johanna, kuvasz even though shes barely ever here anymore, bizarre now that she came back, and magsec4. i liked this place back when tut's avatar was a cow w/ sunglasses, and people like evil ernie and nothern viking posted more. i liked it whenever thomas had nothing to say hed just spam NORSK ARSK BLACK METAL, WRRRROOOOAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! or SSSSAAAAATTTTAAAAANNNNNUUUUUSSSSSSS:heh:. or when tut didnt have anything to say hed just post SHOE!:zombie:. i also remember when thomas would 0wn3d! the board and post a pic of it. and it was funny. i also liked it when bizarre always asked me if i was drunk and then when i actually was, i would go make a thread about how i hate the french. hell, i rarely even post the funny shit anymore like i used to. and thats just a few of the things i should say but all of it is just to much to post.

now granted, i did contribute to a lot of useless spam on here so im not claiming innocence here at all. but recently, the ever dwindling amount of people i like the most on here are slowly but surely leaving. when i finally realized that, i slowly started backing off and took an objective look at what was going on and i hit me that the board sucks now. back in the day, when people would post on other boards about how they hated this board(they still hate it), i would defend the board tooth and nail, bloody knuckles and all(figuratively(sp?)). now, no way.

after COB decided for whatever reason not to pay mark to keep the board offical, i and we tried to get things back in order, but mark kicked me in my not-so-small apenis by not letting me moderate the board. no big deal. i think i have a few last ditch efforts i can try to save this board and bring it back to its glory. anybody that wants to help is more than welcome. im thinking about trying to contact the band directly, even if i have to send snailmail(damn when was the last time i sent a letter snailmail:guh: ) all the way to spinefarm in finland and have them give it to the band. the other way is actually talk to them when they play here on 11/18:kickass: if they hang out after the show. thats an if. i mean damn, ill even pay for it if it means we can get back what we once had.

i had a couple other things i wanted to say, but i forgot what they were. ill post 'em when i remember 'em.

It became annoying, this forum that is. Only a few decent threads, 90% is full of bullshit.
Sorry Mr. Spammers, this is the truth. And I dont really like it this way...
@yetti and Yanko: If you guys have noticed, I havent been online for a week now. this is because my net connection went down due to some payment problems...anyhow, Im back again, and will be online from tomorrow :)
havent you noticed nobody spam anymore? nobody come and answer all the 4 first pages like i used to do, or cob666 or b'mite. i post when i usually have something to say even a ":)" cause something is funny.. i mean, new people arrive and you might regret teh ol' days, but we're all cob fan. the reason why we are here is that we are cob fan. i don't like bashing on someone else here.. i like to laught offtopic, even tho i even myself think some post are gay and useless.....at least the official board is not spammed...

i mean, i won't spam like a bitch if people disklike it, honestly, i'm getting tired of it..but c'mon we're cob fan, stop whinning and post what you just feel like you should say, answer or star a thread.. dunno
have fun.. if your bored, tire dof the baord, then just dont come anymore.. dunno... i think the board arent that bad.. there is new people coming everyday.. it own

have a blast, listen to cob and worship satan god damn
_Zsuzsa_ said:
@yetti and Yanko: If you guys have noticed, I havent been online for a week now. this is because my net connection went down due to some payment problems...anyhow, Im back again, and will be online from tomorrow :)

i was wondering about that. i thought you had left us :(
You all know that really a few only of us all remember how the board look like back to november 2001 when the official forum was formed, it was way better than it is now. And there were alot of ppl hanging out here, nowadays there are really few. I know that this off-topic thing is cool, who doesnt want to laugh for a while, but for gods sake, this is ment for something forum.

Thats why threads started in the main forum are view two times per day and the "counting to 1254243512" thread is visited 99 times per day...

This is insane, Im turning lately into some musicians forum not realated to cob, and the only things that keeps me here is love to cob and some guys that I find hun to chat with...
will we need a new forum called stupid off topic? even tho you dont like some post, concentrate on the okay one(in your opinion) and try not to psot shit people wont like.. if erevybody think like this there will be no fucking problem..
MagSec4 said:

It matters because you lack the perspective to see what I'm talking about.

Yeah that's what I said.

You're saying it's alright because it's an 'off-topic' forum and we can discuss and post whatever the hell we want.
I'm saying yeah, that's true, ..and it isn't the point. I'm saying the point is that a lot of what has been being posted lately is just plain stupid. I am unhappy because I'm comparing it to the way it used to be.
Does everyone still have the right to post stupid shit?
But obviously that's not going to make many people happy.

A) Because the people who care can't do a damn thing about it. I can't make someone NOT say something or not flood the forum in a messy frustrating way.
B) Because these people are abandoning this forum, with reason. Many have already left

ah well, there isnt anything much more I can say against that. I dont think I should bother or something...

There isnt much that can be done really... that I can think of anyway