11/28/03-potentially bad decision made by greg massi

well first up on my list is a new belt because my pants are falling down like crazy and i don't want to get myself arrested for public lewd-ity.

secondly, i need to get myself a new discman for the plane on monday.

thirdly, i need birthday presents for my sisters and we are celebrating tonight so it unfortunately cannot wait.

i love you all.
man, the friday after thanksgiving is completely nuts about sales. I was just talking to a woman who's husband is a shipping/receiving supervisor for a department store. He had to be at work at 330 in the morning because his store was opening at 530 in the morning!

and he said there were already 75-100 people lined up outside in the rain.
i am alive and well and all three objectives were achieved with minimal traffic issues. of course my sisters are getting kind of lame presents because i just didn't have the first clue what to get them. border's gift certificates for everyone!

i also have to admit that my trip to the mall was also a secondary operation to see if i would run into anyone i knew.
I'm not really sure what to get people either. It's weird being single cause now I'll have a bigger budget for everyone but the previous significant other... I think I'm still gonna get her a book or something, though.