shape2k said:
FREE IPOD(NOT A SCAM) I know what you're thinking, nothing is free right. Well if you do this right it is free and very easy especially considering what you're getting. Both of the links above provide free ipods, the first one gives you a 60 gig one with video(8 referrals) the other is for a 30 gig one(5 referrals). You can do both if you want and get two ipods for FREE. They also have offers for other things that you can check out. This is not a scam it actually works, it has been in several articles around the net( There have been scams for free ipods on ebay but this is not one of those. If you dont believe me check the links for yourself. Both of the ipods are really easy to get all you need to do is have a few friends sign up. Also for the offers just choose the free offers so it costs you nothing, or just cancel the offers after the trial period is over so again it costs you nothing. My friend told me about this a month ago and I laughed at him, but two weeks ago he got his ipod and I was jealous. What do you have to lose? maybe a couple minutes but just think about what you have to gain!