157 y/o woman found in Sumatra


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country


My thoery is that she was bitten by a Sumatra Rat Monkey (Watch BRAINDEAD movie), that turns you in a zombie that only can die dismembered by a lawnmover.
...and it is one of the fucking coolest zombie movies ever!

Funny seeing that, then watching Lord Of The Rings, and trying to connect the dots in between for how Peter Jackson progressed. I suppose the same can be said for Sam Raimi with Evil Dead up to the Spiderman flicks.

ultimate quote from that movie:

"I kick ass for the Lord!"

Actually, I think that was PJ's 2nd movie ... I think his 1st one which was just as fucked up was called "Bad Taste" or something like that. The cool thing is that as big as he got with LOTR, he still has a thing for his horror / gore movies. He was like the biggest supporter for Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" when it 1st came out and I believe he had something to do with the movie "Black Sheep" which is like Evil Dead meets Dead Alive meets, well, sheep :D
Yes, "Bad Taste".

I'll never forget the first time I saw the scene with the sheep... absolutely priceless!
When I was a kid I used to put Cannibal Corpse - Pit Of Zombies on repeat and watch the zombie scenes from BrainDead over and over.

Also, if she is 157 years old, that means that when she turned 57 (an age most people would consider over the hill) she had another 100 years in her. Holy turd man