16 year old drummer and guitar performance - videos inside

Dylan S

Feb 27, 2009
Hey guys,

I finished school a few years ago, but my little brother still goes to school, and I drive back 'home' to accompany him whenever he needs me to play in an assessment for him, because there are no other guitar players who play metal so he needs me to fill in.

Here is a video of us playing 'Needled 24/7' for a music performance last week. Ben (my little brother - 16) couldn't do the double kicks fast enough (like in the song) so he changed up some of the parts, and blasted his way through most of the verses (literally). I'm obviously the guitar player...

I think my little brother's performance is outstanding considering he has only been playing for about 1.5 years (I am biased though).

Note: Only the drummer was getting marked for this performance. The singer...although he is having TONNES of fun (which is good..especially for a young kid) isn't very good and goes out of time a bit, so feel free to comment on the backup musicians and stuff, but I'm really more interested in comments regarding the drums and my guitar performance.

Incidentally, my brother got 18/20 for the performance, which was the highest in his class!

Here is another vid of basically the same situation but a few months ago and of a different song (for those who haven't already seen it - I can't remember if I posted it here or not).

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I was actually using my new 6505+ head that night, and it was REALLY loud, but the camera being on the other side of the stage meant that my amp got drowned out a bit unfortunately. :(
I was actually using my new 6505+ head that night, and it was REALLY loud, but the camera being on the other side of the stage meant that my amp got drowned out a bit unfortunately. :(

You built your 6505+ in to a mesa-amp? ;O