1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

Tritonus said:
Hihihihi... I got to show my passport on a city buss once.... That was fun

Whai? :heh:

So they let you get away with a discount rate (the one for kids, disabled and elder people and any combination of those)?
plintus said:
Whai? :heh:

So they let you get away with a discount rate (the one for kids, disabled and elder people and any combination of those)?

Well yes. I don't pay more than I have to, and the great thing is that in Sweden they have raised age limit to 19. Yipeeee.... 6 krones less. That's enough for one piggelin..
382: Tritonus is probably less than 19 years old.
383: The thought of me as a girl has crossed her mind.
384: I'm a guy, just for the seek of further reference.
385: Tritonus' first avatar is the most female-ish one.
392. Undo is being too subtle for us in the pic game thread.
393. Marduk came back at him with a profile of a philosopher
394. I seem to guess randomly but in fact, I don't.
396. Each und every member of this board is either tall, fat or ghey.
397. Or is a band member.
398. No two board members are created equal.
399. "Equal" is a natural sweetener which would decrease the fat population of the board.
400. UndoControl should have been launched to Mars yesterday to grow pineapples till the day we come feast. On his remnants.
RampageSword said:
I'm 5'7'', 135 pounds and heterosexual. I guess it's time for me to get absorbed by a black hole.

Oh yeah? :heh:

RampageSword said:
My most recent face. Dates from april 22. I had a few drinks, I usually don't look so intelligent and wise.

5'7" is far from midget, so don't lie to yourself :lol:
Plintus, no matter how hard you try, you'll never climb your way up my anus. Still, you're damn funny. :lol:

and Tri: you'r swedish, they're all tall over there...at least, compared to canadians. Christ, our population is like 35% asian, that lowers our average height a lot.
Oh, didn't know that, or maybe I did... So we're tall, cool. Always wanted to be tall. But are you tall or small, in your country and as a guy..?