1666 things you've noticed about a dt forum member -

465. hyena says what's on her mind... in a good way.
466. Mysanthrope likes proper decent movies.
467. UC is currently, I expect, getting some.
468. Rampage Sword has an admirable way with words when he tries.
469. king chaos wasn't impressed he had to go back a page to find out what noticed number to start on.
470. Cuthalion has a really 'melodeath' look in my opinion. Not that there is a stereotypical image for melodeath lovers, but if there were, they'd base it on him.
religion-related batch, highly hypothetical in parts

472: if i understand correctly, 6sf, marduk and siren are christians, but each of them belongs to a different denomination.
473: the majority of the forum members is either agnostic or atheist: i know for sure that rahvin is an agnostic, and i seem to remember that undocontrol is an atheist. i would also wager on malaclypse's agnosticism.
474: erik might be close to viking cults
475: king chaos strikes me as a bit of a pantheist but i'm open to correction
476: once upon a time, dark_jester was into paganism
477: nobody on this forum is a scientologist
Yes, but religion drifted into something else, and is separated from philosophy by the fact that involves a cult. Also, religions claim to have answers where philosophy has concepts.
True, but I'd like to consider religions on an individual scale instead that of an established organisation ordering its followers. Here I'm merely speaking in the sense of how a string of concept, a religion, can affect the way we think and act. It is the values that we adopt for our behaviour patterns. Philosophy does indeed define us, if we allow the definition as many allowed that of a religion.

It is, to the essence, a route of faith/logic to a route of logic/faith.

Organised religion is merely an excuse for dominance over others, be it through power or through help.

483: All forum members are made out of matter.
484: And have a sense of time.