1st time I listened to MAYH.....


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
.....I was tripping on about 16 mushrooms, so I can so to all you potheads you don't have shit on me.....fucking demons coming out of the shadows and shit, it was great, good thing credence and epilogue are on that cd or it would have been hell all the way through
Heliotropic_Rose said:
.....I was tripping on about 16 mushrooms, so I can so to all you potheads you don't have shit on me.....fucking demons coming out of the shadows and shit, it was great, good thing credence and epilogue are on that cd or it would have been hell all the way through

A fine hell all the way you mean? :)
R0l0 said:
he thinks he's badass because he ate a pizza that had 16 mushrooms on it

Thats impressive though, I couldn't eat a pizza with 1 mushroom on it as mushrooms taste disgusting to me. :ill: