1st Uk Date Announced!

profskett said:
Wooooooo! The Camden gig ruled!! Slight support band overload, but when Biomech came on they completely justified it. Cheers to all the Biomech guys you were all awesome, especially thanks to Chris for pulling me and Wiggy up onto the stage in Raining Blood, and to john for kicking us both off quite spectularly!!

:headbang: That was you :D

profskett said:
I have many many awesome photos (there were moments when John K's face was like 10cm away from mine - it was a really low stage), which I will post at some point. To make him happy, I tried to get some of Matt C this time round! I don't know how well they've come out though, cos he's right at the back hiding behind a big drum kit!

Look forward to seeing them:)
Existenz said:
:headbang: That was you :D

Look forward to seeing them:)
Yeh it was me. I was the one with short black hair who probably looked like he hadn't shaved for a month! Wiggy (my bro) was the one with long hair.

Here's a link to Wiggy' photo album so you can all check out the photos.

None of the photos are zoomed, we actually were that close to the band.
profskett said:
Yeh it was me. I was the one with short black hair who probably looked like he hadn't shaved for a month! Wiggy (my bro) was the one with long hair.

Here's a link to Wiggy' photo album so you can all check out the photos.

None of the photos are zoomed, we actually were that close to the band.

:cool: photos
The UK gigs were nothing sort of amazing for us
Gotta thank all the people who put up with us :) Co-Exist for their bone-crushing performances and all the bands who played @ the gigs, Dave and Lyn for the merch skills and all the fans who came, in particular Manchester and London created some mega metal mayhem but it was awesome all around!!

The gig @ Leeds was eventful and full of technical problems but shit happens and there isn't anything you can do in situations like these. We felt bad that people who came to see Biomechanical couldn't enjoy the gig.We hope to come around in the future and play again minus all the crappy problems!

On the night we stayed at the organisers of the Damnation Festival who it so happens they are huge Sci-Fi and metal fans!!
My Kinnda people!!! I nearly made it nicking a huge Hellboy figure but the boots and cape sticking out of my coat gave it all away :D

Last date was in London and it was absolutely amazing, from the attendance to the bands to the sound, (Thanks to Kate for the help on the front desk-U rule)

Thanks to all who came to this tour and will see you again on the road soon!!!
Biomechanoid#001 said:
The UK gigs were nothing sort of amazing for us
Gotta thank all the people who put up with us :) Co-Exist for their bone-crushing performances and all the bands who played @ the gigs, Dave and Lyn for the merch skills and all the fans who came, in particular Manchester and London created some mega metal mayhem but it was awesome all around!!
Yeh, lol, Coexist were complete nutcases! Especially that vocalist, with his incredibly scary eyes, and the drummer, who somehow managed to pump double bass pedal, play snare and crash cymbal and down a beer all at the sam time! Wooo for Glaswegian metal!

Biomechanoid#001 said:
Last date was in London and it was absolutely amazing, from the attendance to the bands to the sound, (Thanks to Kate for the help on the front desk-U rule)

Thanks to all who came to this tour and will see you again on the road soon!!!
Yeh, the Camden gig was awesome.