2 bus compression question


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
When you guys run compression on the master bus for your mix, how much compression do you use?

I'm using Rcomp and I have a fast attack (.5 ms), around 150ms release and my threshold is only 4dB, 1.75:1 ratio and no makeup gain.

To me this is pretty light, is this what you guys would call "light compression"?

I like how it sounds, but wanted you peeps' input.
I never understood the reason for using a fast attack on the 2bus. This will kill the initial transients and therefore make your mix sound "flatter" and less punchy.

I always like the attack slow on my 2bus compressor, so the compression only "brings up" the sound "behind" the transient. Bob's setting is not too fast with a 21ms attack, but 0,5ms would be too crushing for me.

Of course the question is always: what do you want to use the 2bus compressor for? I want to use it to "fill up" the sound a bit. And that can be achieved with a slow attack, 4:1 ratio and slow release/auto release (don't understand Bob's superfast release setting here either).
i used 2:1 10 and auto on the waves ssl for a bit.... then i started mixing without it... much better without!
Generally same for me.....anywhere between 2:1 to 4:1 ratio, slowest attack possible, slow/auto release, etc.

I mix with the compressor on the whole time. Gain staging throughout building the mix is crucial and I never want more than a max of 4db of compression at the most intense section of the track and bypass it regularly to hear exactly what it's doing to the mix. I don't want my bus compressor working too hard or it'll squeeze any life out of mix real quick.

I may also take the compressor off the 2bus and create an additional stereo bus and re-route the drums, vox, etc through the compressed bus and leave the bass and guitars going through the uncompressed 2bus. I can't seem to get the sound of the Waves SSL on drums out of my head....I just dig it :D
I never understood the reason for using a fast attack on the 2bus. This will kill the initial transients and therefore make your mix sound "flatter" and less punchy.

I always like the attack slow on my 2bus compressor, so the compression only "brings up" the sound "behind" the transient. Bob's setting is not too fast with a 21ms attack, but 0,5ms would be too crushing for me.

Of course the question is always: what do you want to use the 2bus compressor for? I want to use it to "fill up" the sound a bit. And that can be achieved with a slow attack, 4:1 ratio and slow release/auto release (don't understand Bob's superfast release setting here either).

Seems like I read on here about the recommendation to use a fast attack, so I tried it. I like the results, but in comparing to settings similar to the one poid posted, it does smooth it out a bit. A slower attack seems to give it a more aggressive feel...Hmmm...

to answer your 2nd question, yes, I'm looking to fill up the sound a bit. The comp adds a touch of fatness that I like that I can't seem to get through other methods (EQ, etc.). I'll have to work with a slower release and see how it compares...Just in the quick test I did, I'll have to adjust the mix a bit to accomodate! :lol: :erk:
Regardless of what compressor I use (whether it be hardware or Plugin) I have 2 settings I find always seem to work.

Ratio - 2:1
attack- 10ms
release- Auto Release or 300ms
threshold- set to AT MOST 3 db of reduction

Ratio - 4:1
attack- 30ms
release- 150ms-300ms
threshold- set to AT MOST 3 db of reduction

I agree with trying to keep the initial transients. I also mix though it from the start.....

Plugins I like Impact or Mcdsp's CB3.