thanks for the info guys. Right now I have the main kit centered while it plays and then I pan the main and and 2nd set hard left and right when they are both playing. It sounds good in the beginning, but during the build up part it is sort of weird because the main kit is playing cymbals, kick, and snare while the other kit is doing toms and snare. Sounds funny to me with all the cymbals being panned to one side. I still need to figure out the best way to separate what each drummer is playing between the two kits to give it a more realistic feel.
Here is a clip with all drums panned center, i know it sounds funny and some of the drum programming needs fixing. This is in no way a mix, just bad quality scratch to program drums, try not to laugh too much

I'll try and put up a clip with the drums panned later.
The double drums are at the beginning and just a little past the middle where it sounds like a build up Superior Test 1.mp3
Also, if any of you have double drum ideas and would like to program some, feel free to! I'm using superior and the song is 130 bpm
edit: here is another song with double drums, this one has some double drums being programmed over a song with drums already in it, so it sounds a little off at one section. And ignore the fact that the drums for the second half go from 7/4 to 13/4 to 6/4 back to 7/4. That was my attempt to do something cool, and it seems to be failing atm superior test 1.mp3