2 New Brutal Mixes


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
This is one of the first times ever again that i started with a clean empty project. Mostlyi started with projects from bobby or old ones i had before.
So i am verry proud that i started @ 0 and got these 2 mixes.
I made cross story After The Legacy. i removed some mid from the tone.
wth the legacy i used the Born snare from bobby from nevermore's TGE.
on mix 2 i used Snare 3 from andy's samples.
Mix 1:

The Legacy:

Mix 2 :

A Cross Story :

The Nuendo 3 Project
The guitars aren't as off as before, thank god! LOL That said, the performances could be cleaner/tighter

That acoustic guitar section in The Legacy doesn't really go with the rest of the song... but the tone is great! What'd you use??

The lone guitar part on the right side of The Legacy is pretty muddy... hard to make out what's going on. The single note melody line is a bit rough in places, it could flow a bit better. The riff that comes in after that should be a bit cleaner, and doesn't fit the drums at all from a tempo standpoint.

Musically, A Cross Story rules! Great stuff there, and I love the chorus hook.

The drums, as usual, sound awesome! Would you mind sharing settings/plugins for your toms on Cross Story, as well as general OH/AMB samples?
So you guys think A Cross Story sounds better mixing wise and musically wise ? I am at school at this moment but when i'm home i will post the nuendo project and some screenshots i guess.
The reason these songs are more thighter played is this project ALLOT less cpu from my pc. even with drumagog etc.

@ DSS3:
"That acoustic guitar section in The Legacy doesn't really go with the rest of the song... but the tone is great! What'd you use??"

What do you exactly mean with go with the rest ? you mean it doesnt fit with the song, or the mix.

What i used arent even acoustic guitars.
It's just my jackson rr3 with emgs and a podxt clean wich i also will post.


seriously, you da man.
pleasepleasepleeeeeaaaase post your drumkit mixer settings !!!
those vmx. files ya know ?? or even better the npr !!
i'm bein so uber-n00b1s5 here!!11!1
Sounds great man. Are you using DFHS? I would love a peek at your project file or mixer settings.
Listened to the mixes... brutal indeed!

Nice drum settings Mendel, i think it might be time for me to look into your project files as well now. ;)

I like "a cross story" a bit better as well for now... i get a nice at the gates feeling when listening to these mixes.

(but do take out that little artifact at 01:44) haha, good stuff sir!
@ DSS3:
"That acoustic guitar section in The Legacy doesn't really go with the rest of the song... but the tone is great! What'd you use??"

What do you exactly mean with go with the rest ? you mean it doesnt fit with the song, or the mix.

Musically, I don't think the section fits with the rest of the song, despite how kickass it is.
damn, man send me everything you need to make a recording sound like that and then give me your special forces of mixing :D

the problem is, I really meant what I said...

here are only a few studios, some of them don't know what a shure sm is, others hate metal and the few guys with good equipment have now clue about mixing and music in general I think...everything else is really expensive.
first, kudos mendel!!
somehow i can't open the project with nuendo 3.
thats strange.
edit: the file isn't up anymore. that on purpose mendel ?