2006 overview.

Fill this out with as little or as much info as you like :)

  • Best gig: opeth, dt, devin towsend

  • Best CD: evergrey - monday morning apocalypse

  • Best Band: not sure, too many!

  • Best song:
amon amarth - runes to my memory! :goggly:

  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): not sure, maybe just hanging out with friends i havent seen in awhile :)

  • Best trip/traveling experience: hmm, didnt travel much

  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you:
got to meet mikael from DT and he made a funny face in the pic :lol: :lol: he was really really nice!

  • Best film: not sure

  • Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year):

  • In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year?
got to see them live 1 time and bought some CDs'

  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year?
pretty cool i just looked on here recently a few times

cool awards! i might stop by here more often! :) :)
  • Best gig: ASP or Cruxshadows here in town Id say, aside from Wacken of course
  • Best CD: Summoning - Oath Bound
  • Best Band: Summoning
  • Best song: Amon Amarth - Gods of War Arise
  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): The first year with DS :)
  • Best trip/traveling experience: Wacken
  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you: Got to know some cool people in my year, nothing special so far, but taking a good direction :)
  • Best film: Probably "Brick"
  • Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year): Started playing CS:S again, other than that Id say Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
  • What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: I wish I could have realised how weak most of my friendships were so I could have stopped hanging around the wrong people a long time ago.
  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year?: I think it's been a cool year, had some interesting and nice debates, others not so interesting or not so nice, but overall it's been a good year on the board Id say :p
Mr.Lapin Kulta: you´re welcome :)


  • Best gig: Katatonia, Swallow The Sun & Before The Dawn
  • Best CD: lots, but this is the ultimate one: Profane Omen - Beaten Into Submission
  • Best Band: Katatonia
  • Best song: Katatonia - My Twin
  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): involved travelling and music; one more interview with OOMPH!
  • Best trip/travelling experience: Sweden is nice :D
  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you: some musicians always get all the respect I have.
  • Best film: I´ll wait for the DVDs
  • Boyfriends; Anything you want to say about any or none of them?: kindhearted devil :)
  • What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: pretty much almost everything, like every year.
  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year? Second half of the year was better than the first; and Zack´s a good guy.
Best Gig: Only went to one: a Dragonforce/All That Remains concert. Not bad at all, but not great either.

Best CD: of 06... oh man, what a good year this has been; I'm not so sure I can choose just one. Worthy candidates would include:

"Above The Weeping World" (Insomnium)
"With Oden On Our Side" (Amon Amarth)
"A Haunting Curse" (Goatwore)
"Ashes Against The Grain" (Agalloch)
"United In Regret" (Arsis)
"The Chthonic Chronicles" (Bal-Sagoth)
"Genocide" (Bloodthorn)
"Monotheist" (Celtic Frost)
"The Black Waltz" (Kalmah)

Looking over those now, though, I'm gonna have to go with "Above The Weeping World." What can I say, I'm a sucker for songs that have poetic lyrics, moving, melodic guitar leads/dual guitar harmonies and good acoustic sections; especially when a band can incorporate all of the above into songs that still have a good deal of energy and drive to them. "Above The Weeping World" satisfies on all accounts.

Worth mentioning as well is The Crown's "Crowned In Terror." While not an 06 release, I just bought this album and listened to it a couple days ago. It kicks all kinds of ass.

In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year: I checked their website every day for news on their new album. After hearing a little bit of their new stuff in the videos that they have posted, I can't stop thinking to myself "Dear sweet God hurry up and release this already." I wanna hear the new CD in all it's glory and I don't want to wait until April or whenever the hell it's supposed to come out.
  • Best gig: I'd have to say it was the Opeth gig back in March. It was one of a few selected "special" dates where it was only Opeth and the concert was "seated". Hearing Opeth songs I never heard live beofre was an awesome treat and I'm glad I could say that I was there...got the shirt to prove it!
  • Best CD: Tough. I'm gonna go with Scar Symmetry "Pitch Black Progress"
  • Best Band: Tough one to call.
  • Best song: This is impossible for me to answer.
  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): Taking road trips to see shows.
  • Best trip/traveling experience: My recent road trip to see Children of Bodom and Amon Amarth. It ruled.
  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you: I've met a few new people this year. They all rocketh.
  • Best film: Sadly, I didn't get to the movies this year.
  • Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year): Heh, I don't delve in computer games, but I do love Guitar Hero for PS2!
  • How many jobs you've held and how were they: I had the same job as last year. I can proudly say that I grossed my highest ever income this year. Trust me, with the shit luck I've had the last few years, this is a MAJOR accomplishment.
  • Boyfriends/girlfriends; Anything you want to say about any or none of them? : No boyfriend and no comment.:lol:
  • In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year? Got to see them live back in March. That was a most awesome show.
  • What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: Hmm, I would have taken more road trips, more time off in general.
  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year? Well, considering I didn't start posting again until recently, I suppose I can't answer this question to the fullest! I did read however, and I must say that this forum has some of the nicest bunch of folks on UM. ;-)
  • Best gig: Blind Guardian!! Katatonia was a very close second.
  • Best CD: Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
  • Best Band: Katatonia
  • Best song: Can't say.
  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): I would say making out with a girl for the first time, but things turned ill after that.
  • Best trip/traveling experience: Going up to the Smoky Mountains. This was my ONLY travelling experience this year.
  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you: The aforementioned girl. Extreme highs but mostly extreme lows. Yeah, definitely mostly negative.
  • Best film: Don't know. Maybe Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, lol.
  • Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year): Oblivion.
  • How many jobs you've held and how were they: Just one; I'm in the Navy. It's... great. Heh.
  • Boyfriends/girlfriends; Anything you want to say about any or none of them? : No real girlfriends, although that one girl was, sort of. That faded out in a depressing way, as she saw fit to brush me off one too many times -- for her ex, I think.
  • In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year? I really got into the songs 'Hours Passed in Exile' and 'Monochromatic Stains', because I could relate to the lyrics a lot.
  • What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: It would have been much better if things had worked out with said woman. I should have been busier with music -- as in, I should have been more active in 'getting heard' in public. Should have run more, but I still did a good deal.
  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year? This is my first post on here, so... yeah. Seems cool, though.
okies, I know we've done favourite albums, but thought it'd be fun to look back over 2006 nostalgically (or maybe bitterly?) and share our experiences...
So go on! Fill this out with as little or as much info as you like :)

  • Best gig: Slayer

  • Best CD: Beyond Twilight - For the Love Of Art And The Making and Ihsahn - The Adversary

  • Best Band: Those two above mentioned + Katatonia

  • Best song:
Shit... here I go. Unearth's Giles, Lamb Of God's Redneck.

  • Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): Worst year of my life. Metal-wise, attending to a Slayer concert. "Christ Illusion" isn't as good as people say, but their shows are the best.

  • Best trip/traveling experience: No trip/traveling this year

  • A new person you've met and how they have affected you:My dog. He brings a lot of happiness and extra work to the house.

  • Best film: The EduKators is from 2006? If so, this one. If not, Crash (is it from 2006)? Anyway, best film of 2006/2005/2004/1910/1920/1930: Requiem For A Dream (best soundtrack too)

  • Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year): Don't like computer games. I'm still enjoying SNES.

  • In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year?

  • What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?:
Everything differently. I will make everything to forget this year.

  • Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year?
Not a DT year for me
Best gig: Unholy Alliance (Slayer, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Thine Eyes Bleed)
Best CD: Solefald - Black for death
Best Band: Solefald
Best song: In Flames - Come Clarity
Most pleasant memory (or memories if you care to tell us more than one): no
Best trip/traveling experience: skiing in Norway
A new person you've met and how they have affected you: people i met in Norway.
Best film: The DaVinci Code
Best computer game (doesn't have to be from this year, only if you discovered it this year): Half-Life 2: Episode One
How many jobs you've held and how were they: none
Boyfriends/girlfriends; Anything you want to say about any or none of them? : happy newyear
In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year? haven't really listened very much DT this year, sadly.
What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: i dunno. nothing, i suppose
Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year? as usual
Gotta tell the truth, unholy alliance was not unholy in anyway, and at the date I saw them, every band just really seemed to suck balls. Sound and performance wise, I was put off slayer and children of bodom for life... although in the past I've liked CoB live... Alexi was just more show boating than actually playing... It happens I guess.
Here's my amazingly predictable and totally repetitive list:

- Best gig: Caparezza, in Biella. It helps that it's the only gig I've been to in 2006.

- Best CD: "The Sufferer & the Witness", by Rise Against.

- Best band: Rise Against.

- Best song: Good news, everyone! It's not by Rise Against. "Burden of Truth", by Circle II Circle.

- Most pleasant memory: A couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend's dad opened up the first bottle of red wine he brewed in 2006. Two hours later and upstairs, I was pleasantly falling asleep in bed (and my girlfriend was too) while watching "The Black Dahlia". The morning after, I had no idea of who I was or where I was but I did not have the faintest trace of a hangover. I silently wished my life could be like this, every day, forever.

- Best trip/traveling experience: California, back in August. It was my first time away for a month in an English-speaking country without a native as a guide. The things I managed to accomplish in terms of "fitting in" with the locals and learning how to blend in with life in that specific neck of the woods have been a reward in themselves. Plus, the sight-seeing and time spent with my loved one, of course.

- A new person you've met and how they have affected you: I don't want this to be too personal or tasteless, so let's just say that I seem to have found the most appropriate romantic companion I could hope for.

- Best film: Like hyena, I'm not very good at remembering when movies came out. If they're from 2006, I'd say either Syriana or Match Point. Guilty pleasure: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.

- Best computer game: Heroes of Might and Magic V is the only game I played in 2006 (aside from emulated roms, and post-World of Warcraft).

- How many jobs you've held and how were they: My usual job at the University Library. Nothing new under the sun: it can get irritating and frustrating any day, but the advantages are many and obvious, as shown by the fact that I'm sitting here posting this without worrying about what I should be doing instead.

- Boyfriends/girlfriends; Anything you want to say about any or none of them? : I believe I said enough. And since she doesn't read the board there's no point in showering her in compliments, is there?

- In what ways did Dark Tranquillity fit into your year? Unfortunately, they didn't. I really should get my pretty little bottom busy getting in touch with the band more often and recovering that feeling of homosexual camaraderie that we used to feel some time ago! Just kidding, about the homosexual camaraderie. In fact, we prove to each other how straight we are by comparing penis size, that's how NOT GAY we are. Hah.

- What could have made this year better i.e what would you change or have done differently?: My health has been an issue, this past year. Nothing serious, but many little (and not so little) inconveniences that you can't simply ignore. Also, I feel uncomfortable worrying about my health, for different reasons that are not worth mentioning here, and that in itself adds a psychological component to every future sneeze or cough that I had much rather done without. I hope I'll be fine for a few years now - and I mean completely fine, not even a cold - so maybe I'll be able to regain some confidence.

- Finally, how did you feel about the Dark Tranquillity forum this year? The same we do every night, Pinky: Trying to conq... Err, where was I? Ah, yes, the DT forum. Well, it's a bit like the rest of the Internet, which is plummeting into generalized ignorance and ridicule as the number of users increases and their quality decreases. The DT board used to host meaningful discussions between individuals who were, if not on top of an intellectual food chain, at least in a position to use a metaphorical fork and a metaphorical knife. Perhaps it is still so, but just by comparison with the atrocities that take place elsewhere on the WEB 2.0 OH GOD I SAID IT I'M SUCH A LEARNED CONSUMER! After all, who ever writes an honest opinion on the Internet anymore? It's all either dumb, or a catchphrase, or the cynical/sarcastic knowledge that everything and everyone is either dumb, or a catchphrase, or indistinguishable from yourself. Once we would mock people for liking Opeth, but where you only needed to say "I'm joking" now you better start explaining yourself for a couple of pages before most users get the obvious. Which is: it doesn't matter, no one really cares any longer, words in your on line message have lost the little impact they used to have four years ago.
I don't want to say that it's been a bad year, because I'm sure UndoControl (or a likewise equipped new guy) will bump this thread fourteen years from now and quote this part and add a sassy comment and think that he's making some sort of point. So, maybe it's been a good year. But I didn't like it.
I learnt stuff reading that. Funny, I automatically assumed because you weren't posting as much about your life (or personal content) that things had gotten boring over in your neck of the woods (sorry! :p ), but quite the contrary!

So does your partners papa sell this magical wine or just brew it for himself? I once got drunk and thought about all the movies I'd seen where people banged their head and totally lost their memory... the concept intrigued me. That wine could've saved a now dinted plaster wall!
Funny, I automatically assumed because you weren't posting as much about your life (or personal content) that things had gotten boring over in your neck of the woods (sorry! :p ), but quite the contrary!

No, it hasn't been a boring year, you're right. I'm only coming to this realization now that you mention it, though. Some of the change I'd have been better off without, but if that was the price to pay for meeting my current girlfriend and starting this relationship with her, I'll be willing to pay it again.

I post less and less - not only about my life - because I find it hard to get past the feeling of irrelevance. It has nothing (or, well, very little) to do with the community in itself, as I'm still convinced it's pretty good and friendly. I'm simply not feeling motivated to use on line message boards for other purposes than stuff along the lines of "help, I can't seem to run this program. Does anybody know what the problem is?". Just to give you an example.

And then of course I'll drop by to unleash the power of my incredible humor from outer space with sad one-liners very few people have the guts to flame me for. ;)

So does your partners papa sell this magical wine or just brew it for himself?

He doesn't brew enough of it to make a profit, but I believe that if it's been a good year he sells some, at least on a word-of-mouth basis. The intention is definitely there, since he actually buys the grape to make the wine. They don't have a vineyard.

That wine could've saved a now dinted plaster wall!

:lol: Didn't see that one coming.
@rahvin: didn't know there was such a thing as a good novello - will have to try some sooner or later. save a bottle for me, will you?
@hyena: It's nothing earth-shattering, but it could compete (and win) against some other Bonarda I bought in stores or drank in restaurants. And I wasn't hungover, so it must be good. I'll do just that and save a bottle for you.