2010 - The year of the rock?


Oct 17, 2002
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So....what's happening this year? What are you looking forward to? New albums? Gigs?

At the moment I'm looking forward to the new Borknagar..myspace song sounds great.

And of course Odyssey!! (much more than Second Sky actually)

ooo new borknagar :)

hmmmm, not sure what im looking forward to, nothing so far this year, i just got into wolves in the throne room if that counts...
Okay,we haven't write for awhile here, we are waiting a good year in music of course,
Mostly waiting Second Sky, but we don't want to rush Dan to do it any faster, he knows when it's ready and it's going to be a masterpiece when it cames out, we are sure about it.

The other album we are waiting for is the new odyssey ,there´s great covers that we wanna hear, some of those cover songs sounds really tasty to hear with Dan's voice.
here´s clip from amon-ra

...and the third is henning pauly's project where Dan is involved, we have waited it a long time, but henke have had some other business going on, hopefully we could here this album this year :)

These are the albums we are waiting from Dan, there's some other bands and projects we are waiting for, but these are the most importante albums in 2010 ;)
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These are the ones that I know are being released this year that I can't wait for:

Agalloch - TBA
Alcest - Écailles De Lune
Shining - VII - Född Förlorare
Burzum - Belus
Immolation - Majesty And Decay
Borknagar - Universal
Abscession ;)

Of course.....we are all waiting for the new Abscession double cd plus DVD edition released late 2010 :cool:

These are the ones that I know are being released this year that I can't wait for:

Agalloch - TBA

Alcest - Écailles De Lune

Shining - VII - Född Förlorare

Burzum - Belus

Immolation - Majesty And Decay

Borknagar - Universal

Shining.....if they release something.....i'm looking forward to it also!
from now l am waiting to see the gathering they are going to play in my country on 27 february l am anxious to heard annekens songs with Siljes voice
These are the ones that I know are being released this year that I can't wait for:

Agalloch - TBA
Alcest - Écailles De Lune
Shining - VII - Född Förlorare
Burzum - Belus
Immolation - Majesty And Decay
Borknagar - Universal

fuck yeah i forgot about new agalloch, if that comes out this year, 2010 will be amazing, new alcest would be cool too, any set date?

He's been out for a while now.

yeah since like last april/may