Cold - Year of the Spider


An abode of few.
Sep 2, 2002
Hartford, CT, USA
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I just got this album yesterday and I actually like it quite a bit. It's by far their most melodic release yet. I was really looking forward to this ablum, and it actually lived up to my hopes. I liked it the moment I heard the first song. Has anyone else got this album? Like it? Hate it?
Yes, it sounds like Weezer. :Puke: I like their earlier albums but the new one deserves to be used as a frisbee.
LuminousAether said:
Wasn't a lot of that Stupid Girl song written by Rivers Cuomo? I can hear the Weezer comparison, but I think it's kind of obvious since their frontman wrote a lot of that song...
You got me on that one. I never heard the knew album on the radio, I just got it because I liked there first 2 albums. It definitely isn't as "dark" sounding as the first 2. But I liked the sound change.
I dont have the first Cold album but I have their second one 13 Ways To Bleed On Stage. Pretty moving songs but look at them now. They used to be alternative but now they're just a pop punk group. Shame.
Maybe their first album sounds similar to Korn but thier vocalist sounds nothing like Rossdale who's just a Kurt Cobain rip-off. Thier 2nd album has a lot more melody in the songs than thier first album. People ususally say that they sound like Staind and I agree to that but I think they sound a lot more beautiful.