zabu of nΩd;9929868 said:
Um, excuse me but I think I tend to come across new ideas and perspectives on these problems from time to time, some of which I just expressed but seem to have met with an audience who has no real interest in thinking deeply about the problems and coming up with alternatives to the status quo that they hate so much. That would be the reason such people consider these arguments to be "tired".
Easy dude. On the previous page, Dak posed a serious question to your proposed competency test that you didn't answer.
If these tests you suggest merely evaluate a citizen's knowledge of what each party stands for, I would claim that that isn't enough. Knowing that the democrats want to raise taxes and fund more welfare programs isn't going to change the stubborn mindset of someone who doesn't believe in/agree with such institutions.
Likewise, a liberal who learns that conservatives want to offer more tax cuts to the rich and ban gay marriage won't shift his or her views by learning this fact. The type of education you're suggesting seems inherently problematic to me for two looming reasons:
1. Better education won't alter people's belief systems; they might learn that there are third parties that offer candidates who represent view closer to theirs, but most people will also learn that third party candidates aren't likely to get elected, and thus will vote republican or democrat.
2. If we want to educate people on more in-depth issues, such as the ethical implications of abortion or affirmative action, or ideological perpetuation of the capitalist system, or even more general issues such as the politics of each individual third party, then this will require a huge amount of money in order to a) fund an educational institution oriented specifically toward voters' competency, and b) allow those too poor to afford such education the opportunity to learn. The only way such an institution will ever come to fruition is (in my opinion) if the type of overhaul and shattering of the status quo that I'm so frustrated with takes place.
That is, I can only foresee your idea happening if the solution you seek to affect has already taken place.