20th anniversary dates VIP start times


New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2010
Hey guys. Jasper here from Katatonia´s management. Just wanted to give you the start times for VIP´s for each show as I see some concern going about on this forum.
Luxembourg and Cologne instruction mails have already been sent out (check your spam folder if you ordered VIP tix for these shows but didnt see an e-mail yet) and the instruction mails for London, Zaandam and Paris will be send out shortly. We´re waiting for the venues to confirm out times a 100% but here are the likely times:

Wednesday, May 4th – Luxembourg - VIP to arrive latest 3pm (confirmed)
Thursday, May 5th – Cologne - VIP to arrive latest 3:15pm (confirmed)
Friday, May 6th – London - VIP to arrive latest 1:45pm (TBC)
Saturday, May 7th – Zaandam - VIP to arrive latest 4pm (TBC)
Sunday, May 8th – Paris - VIP to arrive latest 2:30pm (TBC)
You´re on my list though. T shirt size M? Be there on time with your ticket (if printed) and your ID and all should be fine.
BTW, confirmed START times for the last three dates are:

Friday, May 6th – London - VIP to arrive latest 1:45pm (confirmed)
Saturday, May 7th – Zaandam - VIP to arrive latest 4:15pm (confirmed)
Sunday, May 8th – Paris - VIP to arrive latest 3:30pm (confirmed)

Dont be late!
You´re on my list though. T shirt size M? Be there on time with your ticket (if printed) and your ID and all should be fine.

I just logged in panicking because I've still had no response from anyone! You're a star. :notworthy
Its lucky I use my real name on here, isn't it?
I was there in London and Zaandam but it was Mathias who actually took care of VIP´s on the day. I only prepared the contents of the goodie bags and made sure all was ok with the venues etc. Mathias is a good personal friend of the band and he did a fantastic job making sure everything ran smoothly. (I also believe that at least 4 girls asked him for marriage which must mean he did ok)

Sorry if anyone didnt get an e-mail but as far as I understand it everyone arrived on time at each show apart from one or two people in London.