2nd chicago show


May 2, 2005
I've never posted but figured I would throw my 2 cents in.

Opening band was Pantera Junior. not bad just nothing new.

The 20 minute movie was a bit much. There where some boo's when they got to the part where they fired Joey and a mixed reaction to John being mentioned.

Danny had gear issues a good chunk of the night. He swapped guitars quite a number of times. He played very well, but he was posing like mad and played with no shirt for a while (he's mad ripped for a guy his age).

Bello was awesome as ever and lit up the stage.

Ian and Charlie were on as always.

Keep in mind that I liked the stuff with Joey but I am a bush man. Joey did really good except for death rider was really bad. He had great stage presense but it was funny seeing him shaking his fists as he looked frail to me for whatever reason. Somebody should tell him that bangs on a guy went out a long time ago. From the way he was making it sound this line up was a permanant thing. So who knows.

So what does this mean? If Joey stays will he be singing any of the Bush era songs live or will we never hear these again? I loved so much of that music. I also really hope that this isn't the last we hear from John.

I guess the point is despite being a bush guy, I can tell you that Joey can still front the band.
Having followed this board from the sidelines for the last few months, I didn't want to be the first to say something negative about this show. But...

Was it me, or were Danny, Frank and Scott playing in different keys for the first two songs? Sounded like one guitar (Danny?) and Frank were tuned a half- to a full-step lower, while Scott was playing in the "original" key. Both "Among The Living" and "Got The Time" had these problems - seemed like Joey wasn't sure which key he should be singing in when he heard the two tunings... can't really blame him there.

Danny was having lots of problems for the first half of the show - though I did notice the guitarist for Overhand Right who was on that side of the stage was also having issues during their set. I was up in the balcony, and saw Danny running backstage many times to try and get a working hook-up, but nothing was cooperating. The roadies were also having trouble - saw a lot of scrambling. Once that all got taken care of, though, everything seemed to click into place.
Yeah, Danny's guitars kept going out of tune for the first 3 songs which is why he kept going back stage.
Danny needs to reevaluate that rig...it has about 80 effects pedals all in a rack...that thing must a be bitch to troubleshoot in a live situation...strip that shit down and save it for the studio.
he needs to dig up his DEAN Blueburst V! LOL seriously I am psyched man, I have been lookingf forward to seeing the original line up for 15 years now...I was too young to go in 91 my mom wouldn't let me...so finally I am glad to hear Joey still has it.

I heard a lot of positive things from guys that were there, so I am comforted! Don;t be afraid you'll never hear anmything from John...I am pretty shure if Joey stays he will continue with either AMORED SAINT or a new band, I love his vox with SAINT so I actually hope Joey stays and John will be back with Saint!
dailyvault said:
Was it me, or were Danny, Frank and Scott playing in different keys for the first two songs? Sounded like one guitar (Danny?) and Frank were tuned a half- to a full-step lower, while Scott was playing in the "original" key. Both "Among The Living" and "Got The Time" had these problems - seemed like Joey wasn't sure which key he should be singing in when he heard the two tunings... can't really blame him there.

Danny was having lots of problems for the first half of the show - though I did notice the guitarist for Overhand Right who was on that side of the stage was also having issues during their set. I was up in the balcony, and saw Danny running backstage many times to try and get a working hook-up, but nothing was cooperating. The roadies were also having trouble - saw a lot of scrambling. Once that all got taken care of, though, everything seemed to click into place.

danny's guitar was outta tune, he actually got so pissed he was off stage for four songs. luckilly the guitar tech got replaced on the spot when the tech from Lamb of God stepped in and really saved the day...(i happened to be sitting next to the lamb crew up in ther opera box)
Kidnapper Van said:
danny's guitar was outta tune, he actually got so pissed he was off stage for four songs. the guitar tech got fired on the spot but luckilly the tech from Lamb of God stepped in and really saved the day...(i happened to be sitting next to the lamb crew up in ther opera box)

Guess that explains why the after-show was cancelled... those first two songs were really painful to listen to with the clash of tunings. Thanks for the inside info.

Now that I think about it... Kidnapper Van, were you also on the after-show list? I was talking to someone down by the bar immediately after the show and - with the exception of the guitar tech - they said the same things you did. (I was the guy in the "Score 670" sweatshirt.)
Kidnapper Van said:
danny's guitar was outta tune, he actually got so pissed he was off stage for four songs. the guitar tech got fired on the spot but luckilly the tech from Lamb of God stepped in and really saved the day...(i happened to be sitting next to the lamb crew up in ther opera box)

Sorry, but it was not four songs. One or two maybe, but not four.

The sound crew sucked last night. Usually, the House of Blues has great sound, but those guys never had it dialed in on Sunday. Danny's guitar problems didn't help either, obviously. The drums were too low in the mix, and Scott's guitar wasn't loud enough.

The show was ok, but a little disappointing. I'm more of a Joey guy, but the show last year with John was actually a better show.
blkhwkbob said:
Sorry, but it was not four songs. One or two maybe, but not four.

The sound crew sucked last night. Usually, the House of Blues has great sound, but those guys never had it dialed in on Sunday. Danny's guitar problems didn't help either, obviously. The drums were too low in the mix, and Scott's guitar wasn't loud enough.

The show was ok, but a little disappointing. I'm more of a Joey guy, but the show last year with John was actually a better show.

This type of review is to be expected. "John...actually....better." :rock:
The reunion of the clockmaster and the drunken Injun is sure to be $elling out a bar and grill near you :err:
Even though Dan had trouble ... Scott Kicked Ass. he kept that shit Rolling.....

Conspiracy theroy???? Piss dan off Get Rob to take over........??? Who hired this Guitar tech???? Rob????
jdelpi said:
1. You're the one who drinks too much.
2. Joey doesn't drink alcohol anymore. It's all coffee and red bull for him.

1) haven't had a drink in several weeks (it's biking season, what are doing)
2) yeah right.
jdelpi said:
Danny was missing for the beginings of Among the Living, Got the Time, Caught in a Mosh and AIR. I remember he was also missing from part of Keep It In the Family.
Danny was also missing from the past decade :cool: