2nd New Burzum album in the space of a year


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009


Like I said in the most anticipated thread, the dude cranks music out like you wouldn't believe, so this was inevitable.
For me this is great, I fucking love his music.
I have a feeling it's going to be loved by fans, and ignored/condemned by haters/non-fans.
I've already pre-ordered it in any case, anyone else going to do the same?
I thought he was dead or something, haha. :lol: Well, seems to be alive.

Here's some production info:
"Fallen" was recorded and mixed during two weeks in Grieghallen studios, using a Spectar bass with alembic electronics on a VOX AC50 amp from 1965, a Ludwig drum kit (with a 26 inch kick) from 1975, a Neumann M149 microphone and stereo Schoeps CMTS 501 U microhpones for vocals, an OBH Nordica Harmony 6487, a custom Stig instrument and a Peavey 23 guitar on a Peavey 6505 (120 Watt) amp.
Oh and where can I listen to samples of the new album? Curious to hear what Burzum sounds like these days.
Never been a fan but a friend of mine was into them big time back in High School so I got to listen to them quite a bit. I read that "Belus" came out when I followed the link you posted. Would have been interesting to hear a song from the new album. I doubt it's going to matter wether it was recorded with a 6505 or a Roland Micro cube. :lol:
I've been a massive fan since I heard Key to the Gate way back in '98. He was truly gifted when it came to trance inducing repetition and texture. I think his peak is obviously Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, but Filosofem was not shabby in any way either, especially if there is truth to the claim that the guitars were that old tape player stuck trick (it sure sounds like it, just gobs of saturation). Nice equipment list there and great he is back in Grieghallen (the ultimate studio for BM really).

But Belus was a festering pile of dogshit. Linear and trudging. It sounds like old Enslaved in some parts. Its just bottom of the barrel early 90s BM from a guy who has way ahead of the pack in those days. For shame. And I actually like his vocals on the new one (never liked that pig slaughter wailing shit he always did). But the obvious bedroom production and really lack of any vision in the songwriting department killed it. Heard it once, heard it twice, never played it back again.

Varg recorded with Schoeps. Oh brother. What's he gonna do? Try and be Pavarotti?
But Belus was a festering pile of dogshit. Linear and trudging. It sounds like old Enslaved in some parts. Its just bottom of the barrel early 90s BM from a guy who has way ahead of the pack in those days. For shame. And I actually like his vocals on the new one (never liked that pig slaughter wailing shit he always did). But the obvious bedroom production and really lack of any vision in the songwriting department killed it. Heard it once, heard it twice, never played it back again.

Varg recorded with Schoeps. Oh brother. What's he gonna do? Try and be Pavarotti?

I'd Disagree, while I think the album wasn't as consistently good as it could have been, there were some great tracks. I didn't have an issue with the vocals either, I'd still like to hear some of the old style vocals though.

But criticising the "obvious bedroom production" is a bit silly, he recorded it with Pytten at Grieghallen.

Also, I don't know what "tape player stuck" trick you are talking about, but it was Guitar-->Distortion Pedal-->Radio/HiFi afaik
I'd Disagree, while I think the album wasn't as consistently good as it could have been, there were some great tracks. I didn't have an issue with the vocals either, I'd still like to hear some of the old style vocals though.

But criticising the "obvious bedroom production" is a bit silly, he recorded it with Pytten at Grieghallen.

Also, I don't know what "tape player stuck" trick you are talking about, but it was Guitar-->Distortion Pedal-->Radio/HiFi afaik

I believe he recorded it himself with the beloved mbox and pytten mixed it. If pytten recorded it he'd better quit.

If we go back to the classic albums, there's a very interesting thing about song structure that is entirely missing on Belus. As well as the weird post-punk sense of melody. The songs on Belus have cool moments but go nowhere. They have no euphoric conclusions (Inn I Slottet Fra Droemmen, Key to the Gate) or layered buildups (Hvis Lyset Tar Oss) and obviously no riff grandeur like Det Som Engang Var, Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen, Spell of Destruction, Lost Wisdom...I understand how people new to Burzum may find Belus interesting but I honestly prefer Hlidskjalf ten times over to it. Its more in line with old Burzum even without guitars, vocals or drums.

And for the stuck tape player, check this out:

[ame]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fallen/dp/B004KVY5QU/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1296061344&sr=301-1[/ame] Some samples...

Again, the drums sound programmed... I'm not sure why he maintains he actually played on Belus and Fallen...
If it wasn't for all of the controversy around this guy being some evil black metal dude and a murderer, would anyone seriously like Burzum? If some kid posted clips that sounded like them in the 'rate my mix' section, I guarantee you we would all laugh at them. The songwriting is terrible, production is shit, and overall just a joke and plea for attention.
If it wasn't for all of the controversy around this guy being some evil black metal dude and a murderer, would anyone seriously like Burzum? If some kid posted clips that sounded like them in the 'rate my mix' section, I guarantee you we would all laugh at them. The songwriting is terrible, production is shit, and overall just a joke and plea for attention.

You fucking kidding me?

Dont try and tell me what I do and dont like my friend.
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Not a big fan of Burzum.. but to each their own.. I wouldn't mind checking out Fallen, though.. I'll give everything a fair chance..

If it wasn't for all of the controversy around this guy being some evil black metal dude and a murderer, would anyone seriously like Burzum? If some kid posted clips that sounded like them in the 'rate my mix' section, I guarantee you we would all laugh at them. The songwriting is terrible, production is shit, and overall just a joke and plea for attention.

Theres the thing though, in BM atmosphere > recording quality. I've never heard anything in the rate my mix section that could even come close to the kind of stuff Varg writes... :worship:
Theres the thing though, in BM atmosphere > recording quality.:

which, lets be honest is pretty easy considering how shit the recording quality generally is!
At first it was lack of funds/knowledge, then it was an artistic statement and now it's called being lazy.

Not that i don't like black metal, but i don't see why good recording and atmosphere have to be mutually exclusive