3 favorite songs on O.H.B

mine are:
freedom awaits

btw., can it be that Dirk stroke the notes better on former albums? for example, I find that the songs "bleed" and "black rain" sound better sung ("cleaner notes") than for example freedom awaits or inhuman.
just my humble ear.... :)
originally from Gaunerinall songs they won't play live tonight
I wonder why bands generally never exchange one or two songs in their set during a tour. I think this would make a tour even more interesting. I for myself would probably go to 2 shows (in my surrounding) if I knew the set might be a bit different.
I don't believe it's impossible cos of the soundcheck,cos the technician could fix 2 more songs, or is that a big problem?
AUT is Austria .... and just look at the shortcut! an unessential territory :( for anything :mad:
wacken is too far, to be honest :oops: at first Ihoped they'd come tosummer-breeze too, but I doubt that now :s
sometime I will see Angel Dust *self promise* ;)
munich would have been the nearest to you. haven't you been there? maybe you could stick your head together with tom from linz, seems he always jouneys to AD concerts near austria. and maybe you can convince some location near you to ask AD to come there for the next tour.
tom from linz? who's this guy? :yell: :) I should seriously start considering to go for concerts outside austria (for others than ARENA-bands, that is ;) )