3 things i hate about death metal drumming

"It SHOULD.. have CONSISTANCY .. and KEEP ON FLOWING... LIKE THIS!!" *drumming*


Man, those "doodily doodily" Neil Peart fill ins were incredible! I wonder where he got the drums to make that sound
I love how he's sitting at a desk with epicly fanned hair...

beechstudio: Where in NC are you?

Haha, the dude forgot to take his Ritalin for sure!

I agree with him on a certain level, but as drummer/musician i also disagree at certain points.
I agree with him partly at the first thing he mentions, correct, there are way too many wannabe drummers that can't play 1/8 notes on a 200 BPM tempo, but what he doesn't talk about is what sounds better musically. For example, with my old band i we had one song which had this 1/4 beat from time to time. It wasn't very interesting to play, certainly i tried 1/8 notes with my hihat but it didn't sound right for the part. Have a listen for your self, sure it ain't a fast pacing death-metal song but just for example.

His 2nd point more or less the same for me as his first one, sure you can blast quarter notes if it fits the part better. But not if you can't do any faster, then you can practice more.
Third point is a little over the top, sure you don't want a fill each 2 measures, but you don't wanna hear a blast the whole time.

All of this is my opinion, you can either agree with me or be wrong ;) joking joking joking I found the video overall pretty funny :)
Who the fuck cares anyway, i's all about the riffs... If you wanna listen to great fast drummers instead of sped up thrash bullshit from the eighties, check some Black Metal; 1349, Absu, In Battle etc. Powered by Satan.
For some reason I was thinking:

The whole time I was watching this.

+1 :lol::lol::lol:

painful to listen to that dude speak. what a meathead.
I call bullshit on this entire video because there is no right or wrong way to approach any instrument.
If I want to listen to drummers who all sound the same, I'll check out the modern death metal scene full of polished production and everyone doing the same blasts and grinds with no originality, innovation or personality allowed to come through in their music.

Some of the worst drummers and musicians I've ever heard have got some brilliant ideas and personalities in their playing, and that's something that should be followed up rather than turning your playing into a copy of everyone else so that you can say you're doing that blast "correctly."
Has this guy never listened to Immolation? The drumming on failures for gods is so spastic, uncontrolled, uninhibited and all over the place, and by this guy's ideals "wrong" or "incorrect" but it has soul and character.