New SOILWORK Drum Tracking Video

Holy fuck... If I'm perfectly honest, I fully expect this to be the best album of 2010 and a new production benchmark.

Soilwork always had some of the best guitar tones in the business IMHO (except on their latest), I can't stress how my hope are high for this album.

Let's just hope this will be their true return to form.
While I agree that you can hear the guitars more in this clip more-so than the first video, I really wish they would post some guitar tracking studio footage. It sounds great from what I you can sort-of hear in the background... but as a guitar player, I'd like to see/hear that. :D


Now there's a classy room setup, what a shithole :lol: But hey, it's the tunes and tones that come out of it that count of course :rock:
Oh man, we're definitely a sick bunch of people around here... I mean would you consider yourself "normal" if you can name an electronic device in an instant just from seeing an LED or a special pot in the back of a small and blurry picture...? :goggly: :lol: