3 Word story game!

...area through the silky material, Keith’s mouth was as dry as the Utah salt flats whilst Emeline’s eyes were closed and her hips beginning to wriggle with enforced pleasure.

“Don’t put your hand inside my panties,” she murmured, just on the off-chance he hadn’t planned to.

For a while he had no need to cross that particular bridge. The pressure of his fingers alone on that virginal if not vertical chasm running due south, was sufficient to have the girl sighing with contentment. More than once he detected her thrusting noticeably upwards with her hips, to avail herself of whatever frictional delights were on offer.

“I want you to cum Emmy,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck as he did so. Then in defiance of her words, he slipped his hand beneath the waistline of her panties, parting her hitherto unexplored pubic curls, his middle finger slipping effortlessly into that incalculably hot crevasse beyond. So shocked was the teenager, yet so far down the slipway in terms of sheer arousal, all she could do was part her legs yet wider and place one small hand atop her own panties as he began to penetrate her digitally. A virgin as yet, access was something less than full-screen, still he knew what he was doing and after a few minutes – she did too! Completely unlike anything she had brought off herself, the orgasm radiated outwards from her pussy in concentric circles. Her whole being shook with its tidal progress, her mouth open in silent ecstasy even before her nipples began tingling as the nerve endings transmitted their message of good will to all parts of the body.

For all of two minutes no one uttered a word. Etiquette was responsible for Keith withdrawing his hand from between the girl’s legs and assuming a more modest location linked up with its compatriot around Emeline’s waist. It was fully a minute before she even tugged her skirt back down, thus covering both her panties and the recently occupied crime-zone.

“I can’t believe I let you do that,” she whispered finally.

“Me either,” he replied. “Did it feel good sweetheart?”

Now that did bring a fully-fledged blush to her cheeks. Rather than commit herself, she simply nodded. He wanted right then to cup her breasts again but thought better of it.

“What would you say Emmy if I asked you to take your skirt and top off for me?” He knew he was skirting the edge of likely resistance now…. “Just here in the bedroom – I only want to look at you sweetie.”

Not wishing to be regarded as wholly promiscuous, yet aroused herself way past the point of provocative tease, she disengaged herself from his knee and crossed to the bay window.

“So….you want me to walk around in just my panties and bra for you, right? Nothing else?”

He would have promised her anything at this stage. “Of course honey, that’s all!” he told her.

Standing just to the left of the ornate drapes she looked back at him for a moment. He felt like he was waiting for the video ref to adjudicate on a vital point that might decide the outcome of the match.

With anything but self-assured deliberation, she kicked-off her shoes then reached around and slowly pulled down the zipper on her skirt. It was a sight he would treasure the rest of his life. Wriggling her hips delicately, the item fell to the ground as she stepped out of it. Not that he was watching, his eyes now riveted on her panties or more precisely, that darkened triangular area clearly visible through the sheer material. With a growing confidence and fully aware suddenly just what power a teenage girl’s body has in the presence of the male desperate, she took hold of her top with both hands and raised it slowly over her head, knowing of course that her neighbor had probably observed her doing exactly this on nights past when she was getting ready for bed.

Transfixed as the young girl’s sexy breasts were momentarily highlighted inside their matching orange protector as she lifted her arms, the man felt an intense marshalling of resources between his own legs. This was hardly a sight for sane eyes, he knew.

Thus clad in just her underwear now, Emeline stood there with her arms covering up her chest in time-honored fashion.

“Turn round honey,” he pleaded.

Her compliance stripped away perhaps the last shred of his sanity. Looking as he was now on that provocative semi-undressed young female, sculptured rear-end clad only in those tight figure-hugging panties, flared hips that blended upwards into the curviest of figures. He could so easily have raped her silly and been happy with the twenty-year sentence.

She could feel his lust emanating outwards in waves. Trouble is, it didn’t bother her.

“Take your bra off baby,” he whispered…. “Please!”

She wanted to do it…even before he asked.

Reaching behind her, she located the clasp and the bra was on its way to join the other accoutrements on the floor. He had no need to ask – she turned around to face him, both hands at her sides.

If his mouth was dry before, it was now a case of major dehydration. Staring fixedly at her beautifully developed breasts – though still to reach their full volumetric potential – he could but watch as she brought both hands up to her chest and began idly fondling herself, teasing him unmercifully by gently pulling on both nipples, the resulting effect of which was lost on neither of them.

Probably unaware that in her sexually enlightened condition she was uttering now the occasional sounds herself, the spell was broken only by Keith’s sudden child-like utterance, “Let me take your panties off Emmy. I have to see you naked.”

She neither answered nor rebuked him – simply walked towards his chair slowly.

As if mesmerized herself, she just stood there arms at her side, watching almost dispassionately as he raised his hands to the waistband of her panties before tugging them slowly below knee level towards her ankles. As her pussy was exposed, she gave a soft cry but stood her ground, stepping out of her panties now totally naked.

Just what Keith Leighton’s peristaltic rate was at that second is anyone’s guess. Reduced to gulping air to stay conscious, he meekly asked the girl if she would walk around the room for him.

For some reason quite at ease in his presence and reveling in the effect her nakedness was having on him, she walked to the far wall and back, fully aware that even such limited activity was causing her breasts and nipples to bounce in time with her stride. It wasn’t something Keith had overlooked either! Obviously with a plan to fully disable his emotional gyroscope, she paused near the double bed, bending over sufficiently so that not only her elbows were resting on the coverlet, but her hot little bottom was now taking center-stage in terms of provocative tease.

Uncaring that his erection at this stage was an unmissable viewing option even to an octogenarian with bi-focals, he stood up and crossed the carpet to where Miss Sexy-Cheeks was strutting her possessions better than might Paris Hilton on to her fourth Vodka chaser.

A new sensory delight awaited them both.

He had never really thought about spanking a teenage girl before and most certainly not a naked one. Let’s face it – who ever gets the chance to do so anyway? From Emeline’s viewpoint this was likewise, a scenario quite unimagined, even in some of her hottest and least publishable fantasies. That said, she let out quite a sizeable yelp as his hand impacted quite decisively across her curvy rear end. Truth is, she enjoyed the experience quite as much as her debauched neighbor and despite some minor procrastination, she maintained her submissive stance right through the next half a dozen spanks. The sight of her reddening tail quite tickled his fancy. It was so deliciously naughty!

Speaking of tickling, it cannot be underestimated just how inviting the view is of a girl bent over a bed with her legs slightly apart, as Emeline was right that second. Should she be thus endowed with a light dusting of sexy brown pubic hair, this aspect becomes highly arousing in the short term. Keith was highly aroused already, so this merely tipped his hormones into hyper drive. Pulling up from his seventh spank he thrust a hand up between the girl’s legs and needing little in the way of an exploratory, located and penetrated her vagina with his middle finger. So well lubricated was she, the situation had promise.

“Ohhh” she cried in shocked disbelief, “That’s naughty, Mr. Leighton,” she giggled. “And it’s not nice to spank young girls either you know,” she added with precious little credibility in her voice.

“Call me Keith would you please Emmy?” he sounded hurt. “As for my not being nice, how many teenage girls do you think tease their neighbors stupid by bending over a bed naked and wriggling their tushy in his face? Not too many I’m guessing!”

“Well I can always get dressed and go home,” she teased, pulling his finger out as she turned around to face her tormentor.

“Like Hell you are,” he responded, pushing her backwards so that she fell on to her back on the coverlet. In that instant, both knew where this had always been leading.

“Are you going to rape me?” she asked, more enquiringly than with any degree of concern.

“If you want to leave now Emmy – you are perfectly free to pick your clothes up, go get dressed and hi-tail it back to your home. If you choose to stay though, you’ve got me so damn hot, I think I’m going to fuck you silly – probably all night.”

“I’m still a virgin,” she whispered, looking up at him with genuine consternation.

“Then I guess the question is young lady, do you want to stay one?”

Less than ten seconds passed before she shook her head slowly.

“Before I do anything Emmy,” he whispered with what she knew to be genuine sincerity, “I just want you to know that watching you grow up from a little girl, through your pre-teens right up to the beautiful young lady you are today, I quite lost my heart to you. I know the age difference means nothing can ever come of it, but I love you Em, I always have. If you do this with me tonight, I want you to know it means more to me than you can probably understand. I want you because you’re you, not just because you are such a sexy and desirable young girl……mind you, that does help!” he grinned.

Unsure just how to reply to his words, those pretty blue eyes betrayed her feelings at the point two tears rolled down either cheek. Raising her arms to him she pulled him closer. The ensuing kiss he bestowed on those full lips of hers, made up for a heap of inconsequential dialogue.

Needing to somewhat balance things up clothes-wise, he shucked off his pants and shirt, kneeling beside the prostrate girl in just his boxer shorts. She could hardly fail to notice the coiled serpent within and despite his many years experience in such matters; he felt a little shy in fully disrobing in front of her. As it happened, the girl’s curiosity proved to be a valuable catalyst in the game at hand. Shyly but with committed intent, she thrust her small hand inside his undies whereupon she took a firm hold of his engorged and long-suffering tool of trade. This time the man gasped audibly.

“God Emmy,” he muttered, “Talk about keen to test the merchandise.”

“Will this hurt?” she asked softly, still caressing him.

“Not if we’re careful baby.” He answered. “You’re eighteen now and well I guess you’ve been doing stuff yourself? Right?” She blushed but nodded.

“Yeah well, your hymen is probably pretty stretched now…it shouldn’t be a problem,” he added with what appeared to be a degree of knowledgeable conviction.

She allowed him to part her legs which excited her unbearably even though she knew he was staring, as would any man, at her most private of bodily orifices. He then slipped a pillow beneath her hips and navigated his way between her legs, holding his erection now in front of him. She gasped as he placed the head at her vaginal entrance that she knew was so wet and expectant.

As luck would have it, she felt virtually no pain as he pushed into her on the third attempt. That isn’t to say though that she felt nothing overall however. The sensation of his hardness penetrating her to the depths caused her to cry out in real-time ecstasy. This was pleasure with a capital P, Fucking with a capital F, the onset of sexual freedom.

She was most assuredly staying the night let’s say!

To be continued...