your rape fetish has been well documented sir...
I have to disagree, I think it would make a better omlette.So, we have the softcore gay porn with sauage, and the kraft singles. Anyone got any bread, we almost have a sandwich with this movie.
Just got back from the midnight showing, I haven't laughed this hard in a long question ...was it intended to be funny? if it was it was brilliant ...if it wasn't it sucked... discuss
Hello Warrell,
I am the promoter that has been offered your show for Minneapolis. As it so happens, my day job is owning three movie theatres here in the area.
Ask your booking agent to make sure you get the day after Minneapolis off. I'll take you to one of my theatres and you can watch as many movies as you want.
The price of your admission will be to perform "Battle Angels" as a part of the Nevermore set. Just kidding ... I know you said you'd never do it, but it still remains my favorite song that you do.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Nathan "The SwordLord" Block
SwordLord Productions, Inc.
A box of rocks no longer has any meaning to it. From now on, the phrase will be "You are as dumb as SwordLord".
Good day, citizen.
I was thinking about powerfest, but I am not gonna make the drive for some bands that I don't really care about. The ONE that I care about is Shatter Messiah, but I am tour manager for their upcoming tour, so I will see them PLENTY of times.