4 minutes of new Nevermore material!


Dim Sam
Jun 6, 2006
Harlequin Forest

Nice teaser showcasing 4 minutes of new material from songs on the new album. To me it sounds very promising, and very Nevermore-ish.

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Definitely sounds like a 00's and beyond Nevermore release.

Whether that's good or bad is yet to be determined.
sound much more "mainstream" than before to me... I don't really like that. Especially not the mallcore "RISE! RISE! RISE!" thing in the second song... The emptiness unobstructed chorus is great, though...
Thanks for getting the clip posted - I'm excited and I'm sure that once we have the cd in our hands and the sounds in our ears, we will all be happy with it. The guys need all the positive energy and hype that we can give it!
You guys should have anticipated a... how do I even say it? simpler? sound, the guys said the songs are more "wide open" for the purpose of WD getting more freedom with his vocals on this album. I think this snippet definitely sounds like Nevermore, and we really can't judge anything until we get the full album. This is still Nevermore after all. I'm interested in hearing what those parts will sound like as part of actual songs.

And yes, I also sulked when I heard that "rise! rise! rise!" bit.
the songs are more "wide open" for the purpose of WD getting more freedom with his vocals on this album.

"You know it’s funny, I was reading some of the interviews with Jeff, just the little blurbs on Blabbermouth, where Jeff says it’s a more wide-open album musically, and that will let you be more vocally free. Can you talk more about that? What does he mean by that?

You know what the funny part about that is? After I read that, or after I heard that he said that, I had a talk with him. I’m like, “Dude, this is some of the most vicious, complicated, brutal stuff you’ve ever written.” “Oh, but the choruses are big!” "

full interview at http://www.cerebralmetalhead.com/2009/09/warrel-dane-of-nevermore-interview.html
I don't like it that much; it just sounds too catchy and simple like the choruses are made to be poppy. That said theres some awesome stuff going on like the first clip, that clip from the self titled song and some other stuff is cool but there's a lot of it where it just seems like it's trying to be too catchy. Obviously this is a sampler so I'm going to reserve judgement until the final thing but I want some more aggression and heavy like the self titled song and less ballad/pop/catchy/sad stuff. Then again my musical background and tastes is all thrash and aggressive melodic death/death metal stuff so it's not surprising I wouldn't be down with the simplified stuff for hooks. We shall seeeee.
Well considering POE is my fave album I really like it so far. Scratch everything I said in the past regarding clips and what not. This has some promising moments already :)

I love the vocals I am hearing. Its a bit lower in register then some of the other stuff but it sounds HUGE. If the album is half as melodic vocally as POE or "Praises" I will be very very happy.
Most of the songs in the middle there are too catchy-chorusy for me, but you have to remember that all these clips aren't in the context of the full album so I'm still optimistic that the album with be killer.