4 minutes of new Nevermore material!

i think everything sounds catchy because the choruses are the only sections that are in the video.
I'll stand by Enemy242 and reserve my judgement for the final product
I came so hard, it hurts! Seriously though, I like it for the most part. Except for the second clip, which was a total boner kill. I can already see myself un-checking the second song from my itunes list :lol:

Where can I pre-order?!
That's what she said.

I are digginit...muchly so. Very reminiscent of DHIADW, which is exactly why I like it.

It's got thrashy parts, melodic parts, crunchy stuff, great choruses, etc...
Definitely sounds like a 00's and beyond Nevermore release.

Whether that's good or bad is yet to be determined.
yeh, hard to judge overall from a bunch of clips. most of em are of the chrorus, which is the catchy part anyway, so dont everyone get your panties in a bunch.