4x12 Cab Shootout

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
The Krank cab and the oversized Mesa would be my choice out of those three, along with a Marshall 1960av since it's half the price of the other two and there are those times where you just can't beat a Marshall.
It's not like I have a lot of $$...I just put two of them on a credit card and will keep the one I like best and return the others. I certainly can't afford to keep all three. That's why it's a shootout!

Anyway, I miked them up last night. It was not even close; the smaller Mesa ANNHILATED the other two. I don't know if I got a bad apple or something, but that Krank cab sounded terrible miked up. Obviously Andy got a great sound out of it, so I'll try some more (I only had time to try one speaker so far), but it sounded flubby on the bottom with an indistinct midrange and an annoying high end. The big Mesa was better, and the small Mesa was freaking perfect. This was with the Krank and 5150 heads.

I'll post clips later.
revolver said:
anybody ever tried a marshall mode four cab?

a guitarist that i jam with has a mode four head which i personally like, not my favorite but weve gotten decent tones out of it. when we got the decent tones he was using a mesa cabinet, and it was good. a while later he got the 400 watt mode four cab and with the same head(the mode four) i thought it was really bad, it just didnt sound as good as with the mesa cab. i mean try it out but i dont thinks its that good of a cabinet.

A rectifier coverts AC wall current to DC for the amp to use. Most modern amps use a solid state circuit to do this, but the Mesa Recto series uses old skool tube rectifiers.

The main point being that tube rectifiers behave differently that solid state rectifier diodes when there's a heavy current draw. For example, when you suddenly lay into the guitar real hard, the amp calls for more current to reproduce the dynamics.

Solid state diodes are more efficient than tube rectos, thus they have a harder attack, whereas tube rectos "sag" or have a spongier feel. Some like it, some don't.

The solid state diodes are far more reliable and less expensive and keep costs down for manufacturers, so that's probably the main reason why tube rectifier amps are so exotic (erotic?) or whatever now.

Many amp gurus feel that the cheap diodes that come stock in most amps are too harsh and tube rectifiers are too "soft", so one compromise is to replace the stock diodes with FREDs (fast recovery epitaxial diodes) which are supposed to smooth things out.

I've done that myself, and I would describe the difference as subtle at best. It's pretty much something that only a player familiar with their amp would notice, but I would do it again if I got a new amp with the cheapies in it.

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Next month I'll be recording a band whose guitarist has a VHT Pittbull Ultra-Lead with the cab... Anyone used these already ? Seem pretty damn good !

I played a Pitbull 1/2 stack for around 4hrs in a guitar shop, it was absolutley crushing. The EQ was good but using a Tubescreamer in front of the lead channel, with the EQ off, it sounded better than any other amp in the store (which included Diezel, Bogner, Soldano and Mesa amps).
Razorjack said:
...it sounded better than any other amp in the store (which included Diezel, Bogner, Soldano and Mesa amps).

This is why I want to move to the UK so badly. You guys have freakin stores with all these great amps just laying around. Here in the states, well where I live anyway, I'm lucky to find anything other than a wall of crappy Marshall AVT full stacks and the so-so DSL50 combos. The most "exotic" I've seen so far around town was a Genz-Benz Diablo half stack. All the stores carry Mesa, but only one has a dual recto half stack and a recto preamp with simul 2:90 poweramp in a rack. Then of course you have the crapola Roland 60w combos and the cheapy Vox solid state toys. Luckily there is a Guitar Center about an hour and a half away with some of the good Marshall JCM's, a few Mesa MarkIV's and even a Carvin Legacy half stack, but you can't really play them unless you give them your soul for down payment.

I would probably kill to be able to just go to the store and plug up to a Bogner or a Soldano on a regular basis. Yummy.

Razorjack said:
The Krank cab and the oversized Mesa would be my choice out of those three, along with a Marshall 1960av since it's half the price of the other two and there are those times where you just can't beat a Marshall.
In the US the krank and the marshall are about the same price ( $1K ) and I don't thing the mesa's are much different.
006 said:
This is why I want to move to the UK so badly. You guys have freakin stores with all these great amps just laying around. Here in the states, well where I live anyway, I'm lucky to find anything other than a wall of crappy Marshall AVT full stacks and the so-so DSL50 combos. The most "exotic" I've seen so far around town was a Genz-Benz Diablo half stack. All the stores carry Mesa, but only one has a dual recto half stack and a recto preamp with simul 2:90 poweramp in a rack. Then of course you have the crapola Roland 60w combos and the cheapy Vox solid state toys. Luckily there is a Guitar Center about an hour and a half away with some of the good Marshall JCM's, a few Mesa MarkIV's and even a Carvin Legacy half stack, but you can't really play them unless you give them your soul for down payment.

I would probably kill to be able to just go to the store and plug up to a Bogner or a Soldano on a regular basis. Yummy.


The store was Rocker Guitars on Howard St in San Francisco!! Most of our stores in the UK carry the same low-end rubbish as everywhere else, the only good thing is that I know the UK Diezel distributer (not that I could ever afford one!! Even he can't!!).