5 things you shouldn't eat/5 people you have bummed

nah fuck that, lets argue about how wussified modern society makes people :tickled:

if we were out chasing lovely free wild sheep in a field for dinner they'd be feeling a whole lot more terror and pain, ie getting smacked outta nowhere by an arrow, running like fuck for a few minutes and then collapsing from blood loss and THEN having their throats slit possibly after being whacked in the head to stop 'em struggling. Many african tribes kill their lambs by holding them down and covering their mouths and nose, try go hassle them about it. And to be honest i find it hard to believe any animal feels much for long after its caratoid is severed, they might be alive but i doubt theyre conscious, i mean an uppercut cuts blood supply to the brain for a fraction of a second and can cause unconsciousness, so whats severing them arteries gonna do?

Sure the front wheelers and sausage dodgers ideas of unclean meat are retarded but theres far worse things in the world.
nazis never had much of a problem with islamic people though, there was a few muslim units in the SS later in the war, tho at that stage they were taking whoever they could

Although hitler was a veggie and his regime was one of the first to introduce environmental and conservation legislation o_O

still, great to see someone who gets ratty about anyone criticising her fellow septic tanks has no problem throwing the term nazi around like snuff at a wake. Only mehdi has the right to do that :tickled:
of course they can. I think the correct term is time/date stamp btw, time signature being a musical term :Smug:

YEah. and stuff. Like using my IP or yours directly from our computers or server or whatever, (which he's doing to me right now, I'm sure), post as me, access all my accounts, e-mails etc. knows what goes in and out of my bank accounts through their system, not my comp., what bills we pay, cut me off from my server, fuck up my school stuff, and bring my plane down.

I'm only online because he allows it. I'm only many things only because he allows it. He could take whatever was important to me that he wanted to from me any time he wanted.

And interrupt in various other ways.

And that's the very least of it.
Lord_Of_This_World said:

typhoid, E.coli, any gram negative or gram positive bacteria at dangerous systemic levels like Staphylococcus aureus (systemic) potentially lethal of which there are no class of antibiotics in existence to kill this right now. ANd various other orally invasive, throat and lung invasive, hard to cure fungii, bacterial, parasitic, viral, or various other pathogenic infections.

same reasons why you don't want it (shit) up your urethra or in your vagina either.

you know, kidney and bladder infections, etc. :lol:
Bambi said:
nah fuck that, lets argue about how wussified modern society makes people :tickled:

if we were out chasing lovely free wild sheep in a field for dinner they'd be feeling a whole lot more terror and pain, ie getting smacked outta nowhere by an arrow, running like fuck for a few minutes and then collapsing from blood loss and THEN having their throats slit possibly after being whacked in the head to stop 'em struggling. Many african tribes kill their lambs by holding them down and covering their mouths and nose, try go hassle them about it. And to be honest i find it hard to believe any animal feels much for long after its caratoid is severed, they might be alive but i doubt theyre conscious, i mean an uppercut cuts blood supply to the brain for a fraction of a second and can cause unconsciousness, so whats severing them arteries gonna do?

Sure the front wheelers and sausage dodgers ideas of unclean meat are retarded but theres far worse things in the world.
yeah, sure we're all wussies. i have more respect for someone killing an animal with his own hands, than for all of us eating meat everyday and pretending the animal didn't suffer. or even "forgetting" some animal died for our sausage.
still, i don't like to see pics like that one.
nomana-nuniyan said:
typhoid, E.coli, any gram negative or gram positive bacteria at dangerous systemic levels like Staphylococcus aureus (systemic) potentially lethal of which there are no class of antibiotics in existence to kill this right now. ANd various other orally invasive, throat and lung invasive, hard to cure fungii, bacterial, parasitic, viral, or various other pathogenic infections.

same reasons why you don't want it (shit) up your urethra or in your vagina either.

you know, kidney and bladder infections, etc. :lol:
That's part of the attraction.