5150/6505 Lead Settings


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Hey guys,

I tried reamping some solo's today with a certain channel/setting and it turned out way buzzy and harsh so im going back to the drawing board and will re-reamp them in the next day or two.

So does anybody have any 5150/6505 settings they have previously used for solos/overdub work that works with EMG equipped guitars? List the TS settings also if you have any.

*all guitars used have mahogany bodies*

I figured you guys will have a fair bit of experience with this style of setup for lead work :kickass:

Thanks :)

if it sounds fizzy and harsh with that guitar(s) try the green channel

It was the green channel that I used, I was using some Audiohammer settings, ALA pres on 9 or something which wont have helped. It sounded cool when I was tracking but once I finished and tried to mix it I was like.....".....nah thats un-acceptable", don't ya just hate it when that happens?
Never been too crazy about lead tones from those amps tbh, though I'd say keeping the presence below 8 and upping the mids a bit more than normal would be solid bets!
presence below 8 (doesn't really matter below that), highs at around 4, mids between 2-4, lows to taste, and gain probably 3.5 ish I'd say.

On the lead channel you're talking right? That's pretty close to what I use on the rythym channel but with the gain around 5.5. (Crunch in of course) Also pulling the mic slightly off axis would prob help too.
On the lead channel you're talking right? That's pretty close to what I use on the rythym channel but with the gain around 5.5. (Crunch in of course) Also pulling the mic slightly off axis would prob help too.

Yeah, I don't like the green channel period on those amps - buzzier/clunkier top end to my ears, not as smooth as the red.
My settings:


Lead Channel

Tubescreamer: Level 10, Tone 5, Drive 0
5150: Pre Gain 4, Low 6, Mid 3, Highs 5, Resonance (depends on your wood/body contruction) for me 6, and Presence 8.5


Tubescreamer: Level 10, Tone 5, Drive 1
5150: Pre Gain 5, Low 4, Mid 5, Highs 6, Resonance 6, and Presence 7

That´s what I use and I get pretty cool tunes.
Thanks guys, keep the tips coming!

For the record these are the settings I tried: Green chan, Pre gain - 10, Low - 7, mid -9, high - 5, res - 7, pres - 9

Not saying don't use these settings....I think the high pres kinda fucked me up personally. I made sure the mic position if anything would be fairly dark!
I didnt' mind the mids that high but I agree about the pres, the difference between 8 and 9 are pretty drastic that was getting into the buzzsaw territory!
Yeah 9!!!! Its nowhere near as epic mid overkill sounding on a 6505 as lets say a recto or something, once you get past a certain point it does little more :)

Red ch
Maxon 808
overdrive 10 percent
tone 60-80 percent
balance 90 percent

gain between 4-6 depending on how much the part calls for.
lows 6
mids 4.5
treble 4
res 4
pres 3
I love the green channel and love it even more now that Ive turned the bright switch off. Sounds smoother now..Also I have the resonance pretty much on full and tweak the presence untill the fizz is under control, which ends up round 7/8.

Just been recording using a I5 mic into Groove Tubes Brick. Here;s how my settings ended up for the rhythm tracks.

Green channel. Crunch in Bright off. Pre gain 7. low 9. Mid 7. High 4
Res 10. Presence 8

TS9 Drive 0 Tone 11 o clock Level 12 o clock

For solos I add a bit more pre gain and have the drive on the TS9 to about 9 o clock

This was with my Gibson Flying V with emg81 18v mod

Id definately have to tweak these settings if I used a 57 instead of the I5 but prefer the I5 anyway.

I love the green channel and love it even more now that Ive turned the bright switch off. Sounds smoother now..Also I have the resonance pretty much on full and tweak the presence untill the fizz is under control, which ends up round 7/8.

Just been recording using a I5 mic into Groove Tubes Brick. Here;s how my settings ended up for the rhythm tracks.

Green channel. Crunch in Bright off. Pre gain 7. low 9. Mid 7. High 4
Res 10. Presence 8

TS9 Drive 0 Tone 11 o clock Level 12 o clock

For solos I add a bit more pre gain and have the drive on the TS9 to about 9 o clock

This was with my Gibson Flying V with emg81 18v mod

Id definately have to tweak these settings if I used a 57 instead of the I5 but prefer the I5 anyway.


Doesn't Mids @ 7 for rhythm sound a bit clangy? which cab and speaker combo?
Thats probably because Im using a Marshall JCM 800 angled cab with celestion G12T-75'S which is not excactly meaty enough for me but if I was using something like a oversized mesa with v30's probably would sound clangy. Pulling the mids down with this particular cab starts sounding a little thin to my battered ears!