Jason Suecof 5150 settings

His biggest thing is cranking the presence to 8 or 9 which is what I do; you'll want to keep the resonance up past 6 to compensate. Other than that the bass, mid and treble become less effective the harder you push you master. Another thing is that he uses a fuck ton of post eq on the guitars to thin them out and seems to do a one octave scoop around 2.5k and a big scoop between 100-300 from what I can hear.
I know he processes guitars in parallel when he wants a really exaggerated sound, too. The reason Nocturnal's guitars seem to be 'alive' and jump out of the speakers is because of intense parallel EQ exaggerating specific frequencies to bring out pick attack, muting, etc.

The general Sneap/Suecof/Richardson 5150 route is gain 4-5, low 7-9, mids at 2, highs 4-6, resonance and presence up. TS, high-gain input, Mesa 4x12, done.
I know he processes guitars in parallel when he wants a really exaggerated sound, too. The reason Nocturnal's guitars seem to be 'alive' and jump out of the speakers is because of intense parallel EQ exaggerating specific frequencies to bring out pick attack, muting, etc.

The general Sneap/Suecof/Richardson 5150 route is gain 4-5, low 7-9, mids at 2, highs 4-6, resonance and presence up. TS, high-gain input, Mesa 4x12, done.

Sorry to be this guy once again but what you wrote is about Mark (maybe Jason too).
This info (parra eq for exemple) was posted by Mark...

I sound like an asshole but most peoples (not you) think everything is done by Jason or Eya when in fact it's mostly done by Mark...
Either way, there is some serious eq trickery and who knows what else. Love it. Is also be curious to know how the heck they get those razor sharp tones that slice through butter like a hot knife.
Maybe I missed something? I'm assuming the settings that he's talking about are the one used on Nocturnal for the 5150 yes?
God Nocturnal has such a great guitar sound. especially for the mic pre they used too.
Guys, I'm trying this Suecof settings, aiming the 57 to the edge of the cone (1 inch from the grill) and no matter what the sound I get is thin compared to the real thing and lacks low end (in the room sounds great). If I move the mic too much off the centre I lost definition, what do you suggest to get more low end and preserve clarity?

I remember some 5150 raw tracks Andy posted a few years ago and the low end was awesome, very tight and punchy.

I'm reamping using X-Amp and Digi 003.
Got this from my Peavey Monitor magazine. Summer/Fall 2007. Volume 24 Issue 2.

"Engineer, Mark Lewis is Suecof's right-hand man for virtually every project that comes through Audio Hammer Studios - which means that he's in charge of dialing the knobs to find the perfect tones. This is one of his favourite setups".

*Picture of a 6505+ from a front on view*

Green channel:



"A lot of people don't know this, but we actually use the rhythm channel with these settings and the "crunch" enabled to get some killer lead guitar tones".

Red channel:



"Notice how we keep the gain (4.7) while tracking! That is essential for maintaining clarity, as these amps have such a crazy amount of gain".

"I keep the high knob kind of low (5.2) and the presence almost always high (9) to get those good, chunky rhythms".

"The resonance is almost always maxed out (10) so you get that low-end woof".

"One of the keys to this amp is keeping the presence knob between 8 and 10. That's where the amp really opens up and the bite jumps out at you".

So, there ya go. Hope this helps out.