which channel on the 5150/6505???


New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2011
Southern Germany

I just bought a new 6505 (after having LOTS of other amps i was never completely satisfied with....Soldano, Marshall, Randall, Diezel, various rack stuff..) and i LOVE it's tone and raw power!
Do you guys use the rhythm or the lead channel for heavy rhythm sounds in the style of Machine Head?? Do you use a Tubescreamer, SD-1 or other OD pedals for boosting?

Right now i'm using the rhythm channel for clean and the lead channel with a TS for heavy riffing (TS used as a boost only...drive = 0, level = 10).

Thanks in advance! :kickass:
Many use the green (I would not say "clean") channel for heavy rhythm.
I personally did, because in my opinion it pushes more and has more dynamics and I prefered less gain. But to achive a Machine Head sound I'd use the red channel.
Always use a tubescreamer, but I would set the level equally, so the TS does not raise or lower the volume, just to tighten things up.
For more info on tubescreamers I'd suggest reading this thread:
Thanks for the answer, OctoberRust! I'll keep on writing in english, even we're both germans. ;-)
Well, i saw a picture of MHs rig here in the "Sneap Productions" thread, which they used for the "the more things change" album recordings. Seems like they used the rhythm channel for rhythm and the lead channel for cleans!?! i know...most people don't like the 5150 "clean" but it's good enough for me. Use it with a chorus.
I'll try that with the level set to equal! But i didn't have the feeling that the overall volume is raised when the TS level is at 10? I might be deaf a little already. ;-))
I used to go green channel + Tubescreamer for live/rehearsals on my 6505+, but changed to the red channel after about 2 years, as I discovered that I don't need a TS in the red channel for rehearsals and live.
I think it's tighter than the green channel on deafault + that way I can keep the gain on the green channel very low and get somewhat clean sounds with the split humbucker in the neck (even if headroom is still terrible in the "clean" channel).
Also advantage of not having to use the TS live/rehearsals on the red channel is less noise/feedback for me.
Still use TS when reamping/micing with the red channel though...but it's not enough of a difference for rehearsals and live to commit into pedal hopping when changing channels IMO
But i didn't have the feeling that the overall volume is raised when the TS level is at 10? I might be deaf a little already. ;-))

well if you raise the level on the TS you raise the input volume the amp gets, so you get more gain, but that doesnt effect the volume output of the amp...if that is what you ment?
edit: think I misunderstood, nevermind.
OctoberRust ment that you should set the TS level to about noon if you want to use it with the red channel, cause it allready has enough gain
Oh...okay! Then i got OctoberRust wrong...sorry!
@Mago: that's what i wanted to hear! ;-) Because that's the way i want to use my setup. But i think i'll use the TS in live situations also. I just LOVE the tightness of athat combination! :-)
Oh...okay! Then i got OctoberRust wrong...sorry!
@Mago: that's what i wanted to hear! ;-) Because that's the way i want to use my setup. But i think i'll use the TS in live situations also. I just LOVE the tightness of athat combination! :-)

well I just don't use it because I switch to clean quite often and hate to have to stomp on channel switch and TS :P
I switch to the neck PU too most of the time, and that's a bit too much for me to enjoy the show ;) if it works for you, great!
well I just don't use it because I switch to clean quite often and hate to have to stomp on channel switch and TS :P
I switch to the neck PU too most of the time, and that's a bit too much for me to enjoy the show ;) if it works for you, great!

That's understandable! I need the clean in just 2 songs, so it's not that difficult for me. ;-)
I don't own a 5150/6505 but I was able to play it very often. I am a fan of the Green Chanel
with a Tubescreamer in front, but it depends on the cabinet. I like how "crunchy" it sounds but
with the Greenback equipped Marshall that a friend of mine owns, it's just to much, switched
chanels and we were done :D

Was anderes: Kann es sein, dass du Arthur heisst? Wenn ja-viel Spass im Epple ;)
Hab leider keine Zeit an dem Abend.
Ok ;) Ich kam nur dadurch drauf, dass in der Bio bei Arthur ja Peavey Amps steht ;)
Wenn ihr mal im Esslinger Kreis spielt-meld dich! Achja, im Epple wirds scheiss heiss
auf der Bühne-so hab ich das sonst fast noch nirgends erlebt.

Would love to hear the 6534 with the different poweramp tubes, I think you could
get a crunchier sound out of them, even on the lead channel.
I also prefer the red channel.

Everytime I tried the green channel and switched to red the red owned the other one.
But I dig the green sounds from Lasse and Mr. Sneap(of course;))
depends :D
i'm mainly using the red channel for rhythm, greed for clean-ish. i'm running a stereo rig with an engl fireball 100, and the super clean engl together with the crunchy 5150 clean sounds really nice to me.
but back to distorted sounds, i also feel that the red channel doesn't need a boost. sometimes i'm using a ts for added gain during lead parts, but that's it.
the green channel however is way too mushy without a boost imho. boosted, it kinda sounds fatter than the red channel though. actually, i remember a gig where i used the boosted green for rhythms and the red for cleans - post gain cranked and just a slight amount of pre-gain. but then again there was only 1 clean part throughout the whole set, and the green channel just sounded better for the music. i wouldn't recommend it if you need to switch channels regulary.

another option is to get a pod/vamp or similar, and run that in the fx return for clean sounds. then set up the 2 5150 channels for rhythm (green) and lead (red), bam, instant 3 channel head with a great clean sound.

as for the machine head sound....red channel, i guess.
Ok ;) Ich kam nur dadurch drauf, dass in der Bio bei Arthur ja Peavey Amps steht ;)
Wenn ihr mal im Esslinger Kreis spielt-meld dich! Achja, im Epple wirds scheiss heiss
auf der Bühne-so hab ich das sonst fast noch nirgends erlebt.

Would love to hear the 6534 with the different poweramp tubes, I think you could
get a crunchier sound out of them, even on the lead channel.

Ja, ich hab mir den 6505 jetzt erst gekauft. ;-)
Heiss ist immer gut, Vollgas! ;-) Wo zockst Du denn?

I tried the 6534...it doesn't have the huge 6505 balls at all.
depends :D
i'm mainly using the red channel for rhythm, greed for clean-ish. i'm running a stereo rig with an engl fireball 100, and the super clean engl together with the crunchy 5150 clean sounds really nice to me.
but back to distorted sounds, i also feel that the red channel doesn't need a boost. sometimes i'm using a ts for added gain during lead parts, but that's it.
the green channel however is way too mushy without a boost imho. boosted, it kinda sounds fatter than the red channel though. actually, i remember a gig where i used the boosted green for rhythms and the red for cleans - post gain cranked and just a slight amount of pre-gain. but then again there was only 1 clean part throughout the whole set, and the green channel just sounded better for the music. i wouldn't recommend it if you need to switch channels regulary.

another option is to get a pod/vamp or similar, and run that in the fx return for clean sounds. then set up the 2 5150 channels for rhythm (green) and lead (red), bam, instant 3 channel head with a great clean sound.

as for the machine head sound....red channel, i guess.

Well, i don't use any gain on the TS...use it as a boost only (gain=0, level=10) to tighten everything up...works excellent in red mode!
well...i also thought of putting my Rocktron Prophesy2 in the FX Loop for the cleans and using the 2 6505 channels as you describe. Have to check that out! Thanks again for all your help and ideas, guys!