54 Won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOOOOOOOO!!! :headbang: Twas a mighty night indeed, and what a result!! :D I think we should all be saying a big thankyou to the door men at the venue who turned away at least half of the coach load of people that had been bused down for Moxi because they were underage, although you have to feel sorry for the poor sods sat outside all night. :lol: Especially as Mark was taunting them by screaming "AREA 54!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as he walked passed them. :lol:

Congrats to the band, you really deserved it!! :)
Yay !!!

Yes we agree with everything you all said, great show, great people. great night (bloody great bruise on Dinosaur's (Dave's) nose !!) he crashed with someone during '54's set. He's still seeing stars (little Lakis' & Laura's going round his head)

Really enjoyed the new material too!!

Ian (Edwards) it was a pleasure mate !! anytime ;)

Hope you all have a great time on Tuesday would love to be there but holidays beckon...............................


Sparx & Dinosaur (& his nose):Shedevil: :Smokedev: :yow:
fear inside is awesome. in fact it is really really awesome. but not as awesome as me when overload was playing :D what a great setlist, and the only real outcome was for 54 to win, so its fantastic that they did. For the people who got the fear inside (the EP not some inner demons :D ) don't you agree overload definitely evolved from there to no visible scars? i mean on NVS its about 7 times faster! and "the face of all your fears" was that lakis doing the death metal throaty bit? anywho

it was cool to see people again, and to see new faces too. Hope to rock out with you crazy bitches on tuesday night! \m/ indeed
Nah Son Of Metalman, it was Jeremy Gray that sang the death metal bit on The Face Of All Your Fears - he used to be in Goreotted (a gore metal band)! I've only seen Jeremy do it once live, at the Borderline, which was mine and Madgirl's first ever 54 gig! If you look at the front of your Fear Inside EP, on the front cover, the signature on the top left hand corner is Jeremy's, so wooooooo! :) I have to say though, I think Steve does a very good job of replicating it live and of course is a thoroughly spiffing chappie too! Play The Face Of All Your Fears live more often ya stingy metal sods - sorry - gods! lol ;)
Originally posted by Raven_1
im no good at guessing

im so unlucky that if i fell into a skip of tits id come up sucking my thumb

I didnt actually meet anyone at the gig (Im a little shy;) ) but Im hopefully going to the Camden one, and as you're all being so friendly I'll try and mingle!
Can anyone tell me why its says I'm a junior member... I'm 24 for christs sake:confused:

you can change it in ya options somewhere.. i forget ;)

glad you all had a great time... i HATE my exams... plus our car is out of order for 2 weeks... so i cant make the next gig either :cry:
Its great to see so many went & supported em :)
Originally posted by Tony

plus our car is out of order for 2 weeks... so i cant make the next gig either :cry:

Tony, Tony, Tony - lame ass, lame ass, lame ass excuse m'boy! I haven't got a car and I know a lot of other people haven't too, but there are other ways to get to London! I usually go by National Express, but yesterday I went by Virgin Trains (not advisable - long story)! I normally spend the night in an Internet cafe or on the streets (which is fine), so you're welcome to join me, but I'm sure you'd be able to get somewhere to stay from another 54 fan!

You've definitely GOT TO go to the next round at the LA2 because that will be where the few remaining copies of the Fear Inside EP will be sold - so I've been told by Mia!

Now are you going to come? :rolleyes: ;) :p
:D bitch of babylon theres no need to be shy, just come and say hi! we don't bite (well ian might do, but he's only being playful!)

you can't miss me, i'm about 75 foot tall with middle parting! we will make u feel welcome! camden is gonna rock and i am gonna rock toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm... i got 15p current funds as ive finished me contract @ my current job! I dont get anymore money now till my student loan IF i goto university. And yes i would like a Fear Inside EP... but life goes on :cry:

Plus youve got 60 miles advantage on me ya sod ;) Course... if anyone from the north is comin down & wants to gimme a lift, id appreciate it and could make it then... plenty of peeps i know in london who could gimme a floor to kip on.. its just gettin there n back!

AND My final exam is on tuesday afternoon for 2 hours. Thatd mean setting off at 3:30PM.


And finally... im seeing my lovely lady on tuesday evening in wolverhampton... and shes worth missing 54 im afraid!!

You southerners dont know how good you get it :p

Also Ian, how come whenver i think of you, i see a drunk guy falling over a lamp in nottingham? ;)
On a brand new job with the peeeeeeggggzzzzz?

I think not.

Well i start June 24th and its 5 weeks training (unsure if thats a Monday-Friday thing or not, it will be shifts 6 on & 4 off after training), so it COULD be possible to go and come back for work I suppose.

(I'll b the one tear arsing back up the M1 then :lol:
A well deserved win...brilliant night out.
Can't wait to see the 54 again on Tuesday at the Camden gig.

Nice to put faces to some of the names that appear on this site. Great to meet all those that were about. A big hi to you all and a special hi to Charlottes mum, cool.

Heah Bitch of Babylon don't be afraid to come over and say hi, honest we don't bite.....we may sing out of tune (me particularly), drink far to much and headbang far to hard...my neck still aches!!!but it is all in a good cause.:D
I'll be wearing mostly a long sleeve Area 54 shirt on Tuesday, skin head smily guy wearing glasses....

whilst writing away a big 'Cheers me Dears' to Madgirl for getting me my ticket....:D

The EP is totally cool. Big hug to Mia for having copies to sell

anyhow off to listen to some new Primal Fear songs and the new EP again...see you all Tuesday.

(just so you all know Three Colours Red were superb on Saturday night as well...nice to have them back...my neck aches even more now!! Ha Ha!!)

:) :)