60 14-year old pupils had to listen to "The Moor" today

Metalmaster said:
I'm a music teacher, so today I decided we were going to learn about respecting each other's musical tastes. So they had to endure the full length of "The Moor" :).
Surprisingly, many of them thought it was pretty cool, though most of them didn't understand why the vocalist was growling. They did not see the point.
I explained it is another form of art, and that I didn't understand why rappers had to talk. Heh.
It was funny to watch their faces while they listened, it was priceless.


Damnit, I'm moving to Norway. It's not that far from Finland, can't be too bad. :D
By the way, it surprises me a lot that your pupils show so much interest in this music and seem quite open towards the things you show them / play to them. I live in Germany, and on my school I am quite the only one with some interest on "real" metal and stuff. There's an idiot who sometimes wears a Dimmu-shirt, but besides he wears SOAD ans Böhse Onkelz (quite an embarrassing German band, don't know what they make, pseudo-punk or something :lol: ). The people in my classes think I am an idiot because I more often wear black clothes and bandshirts. I am just surrounded by ignorant mainstream kiddies, this sucks big time I can tell you!
The people in my classes think I am an idiot because I more often wear black clothes and bandshirts

Let them think whatever they think (they think). Ignorant people need to be ignored . Okay, that's kinda conflicting :loco: Anyway. Before playing "The Moor", we talked a lot about respecting each others' music tastes. So nobody really reacted negatively to Opeth, and so I had to bite my teeth together when today's song was a terrible, horrible rap/technosong with smurf voices. Argh. o_O
Next guy brought "I Wanna Rock" with Twisted Sister though, so we did some real rockin' in the classroom :headbang:
I find this thread gay. Why would you honestly play an Opeth song for a bunch of 14 year olds unless you were just trying to look cool with your "underground music"? If I could I'd have you fired because you're obviously more concerned with your self image than giving the kids something they can learn from.
Jerkface said:
I find this thread gay. Why would you honestly play an Opeth song for a bunch of 14 year olds unless you were just trying to look cool with your "underground music"? If I could I'd have you fired because you're obviously more concerned with your self image than giving the kids something they can learn from.

he was probably showing the technicality of the music ya fuck
Jerkface said:
I find this thread gay. Why would you honestly play an Opeth song for a bunch of 14 year olds unless you were just trying to look cool with your "underground music"? If I could I'd have you fired because you're obviously more concerned with your self image than giving the kids something they can learn from.

I find that post gay. What should he have played, oh purveyor of knowledge?
TravisW said:
I find that post gay. What should he have played, oh purveyor of knowledge?

Because you're as dumb as a brick, you didn't understand what I said. He shouldn't have been playing ANYTHING. He should have been actually teaching the class, but he was too busy trying to improve his self image by playing underground metal and demanding that the kids had to respect it. He's a hypocrite too, because when a kid plays him some techno pop stuff, he thinks it's garbage and doesn't respect it at all. I find his role as a teacher to be a joke as far as this post is concerned. I hope his lack of teaching the class and arrogant attitute get him fired in the near future.
nah jerkface, he's a music appreciation teacher... or something.

but hey... NOTHING'S better than \m/ P. DIDDY \m/

whoever said that is just jealous because he invented the REMIX and you didnt!!!!!!1!!1!
Jerkface said:
Because you're as dumb as a brick, you didn't understand what I said. He shouldn't have been playing ANYTHING. He should have been actually teaching the class, but he was too busy trying to improve his self image by playing underground metal and demanding that the kids had to respect it. He's a hypocrite too, because when a kid plays him some techno pop stuff, he thinks it's garbage and doesn't respect it at all. I find his role as a teacher to be a joke as far as this post is concerned. I hope his lack of teaching the class and arrogant attitute get him fired in the near future.

Can you really learn anything about music by hearing some guy talk about it ?
Jerkface said:
Because you're as dumb as a brick, you didn't understand what I said. He shouldn't have been playing ANYTHING. He should have been actually teaching the class, but he was too busy trying to improve his self image by playing underground metal and demanding that the kids had to respect it. He's a hypocrite too, because when a kid plays him some techno pop stuff, he thinks it's garbage and doesn't respect it at all. I find his role as a teacher to be a joke as far as this post is concerned. I hope his lack of teaching the class and arrogant attitute get him fired in the near future.

No, it was due to your inability to get your point across that I didn't understand what you said. If he's teaching music theory, or performance, you are correct. If he's teaching music appreciation, you're not.

Whether he is playing Opeth as a way to make himself seem cool, or to make some sort of point to the students by way of playing music that isn't easily accessible isn't your judgement to make. Only he really knows his motivation, so it's pretty presumptuous on your part to attempt to be a mindreader.

Whether he is or is not a hypocrite has no bearing on how well he teaches the class. If he badmouths techno/pop to the class while saying people have to be open-minded about Opeth, yes, he's a bad teacher. If he shuts up and is respectful to his students when they bring in their Puff Daddy (featuring Mace, 50 Cent, Eminem, Missy Elliot, Jimmy Page, Bjorn from Abba, and the entire cast of Up With People), he's doing fine.

I personally think that you find him sexually attractive, and due to your secret crush feel the need to badmouth him.
I'm still amazed that anyone actually believes the first post in this thread...
Jerkface, what was wrong with him playing The Moor? I fail to see where Metalmaster was waxing his image by playing Opeth to his students. He was teaching a lesson on musical diversity. Hmm, I'm guessing you're a fuckwit.
Wow! This thread went to shit didn't it? Add a few subhumans and things just go to shit in a hurry don't they?

I think you are a kick ass teacher BTW!
I find this thread gay. Why would you honestly play an Opeth song for a bunch of 14 year olds unless you were just trying to look cool with your "underground music"? If I could I'd have you fired because you're obviously more concerned with your self image than giving the kids something they can learn from.

I can see where you're coming from, but the point (which has been made by others as well) is that you do not know me nor my motivations for introducing Opeth to the class.

It has nothing to do with self image, as I am well aware that the kids like me/ dislike me regardless of my musical tastes. Also, I have no interest in "impressing" people nearly twenty years younger than myself.

I do not spend each and every music lesson playing Opeth CDs. I played "The Moor" once, because every week someone has to bring their favorite song which we listen to. The kids have to answer some music- and mood related questions to each song we listen to. Today, we listened to Stevie Wonder's "Part Time Lover".

And me not liking their hiphop/junkie gangster music is not being hypocrite, as I do not say my opinion about their music unless I find something positive (as I did with the Wonder song).

So please stop assaulting me for creating a feel-good-thread about how Opeth can be used in different ways.