6505 Vs. Krankenstein


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Thinking of buying a 6505, can get a good deal on one where I live. I like the tone of the Krakenstein better from what I have heard, but the difference seems very slight (saw Matt's post about cab's on the Theocracy forum), can anyone who has experience with both these amps, chime in, and tell me if they reckon a Krankenstein tone, can be achieved with a 6505?

Thanks in advance.
They're different amps, having heard both I wouldn't assume that I could get Krankenstein tone from my 6505+, or vice versa. Definitely interested in the Krankenstein though, I love the sound of it, perhaps later this year I can get one and post clips of it through my Mesa v30 4x12 cab vs. my 6505+.
I think you should really try them yourself in a store if possible. You're own playing will affect the amps differently the the samples posted as well as guitar and blah blah blah... point is, I think if you can, you should just try them yourself. Good luck :)
to me the krankenstein was a very scooped sounding amp, even with the mid knob dimed i couldn't get single notes to sound as thick as i wanted...the 5150 (6505) while their somewhat similar in their gain structure, are pretty much the opposite of that and have a ton of midrange as thick as i could ever want

with an EQ pedal in the loop i could probalby get my 5150 to cop a fairly convincing krank tone, not sure if it would work the other way around tho

but i've owned a 5150 for several years now, and only spent about 20 minutes with a krankenstein...so take my words with a grain of salt, if you can find a good deal on a used 5150 tho i'd say jump on it; they can be worth their weight in gold
oh man, i'd love to check out the krank....i mean, wherever you go you get folks telling you how much the kranks suck blah blah blah, and on the other hand andy said it was similar to gary holt's marshall.....how much of a difference is that?!?!
i guess that either 99% of the guitar players think gary's marshall sucks balls, or andy is tone deaf ;)
btw, i have a 5150, and it's possible to approximate the tone you can hear in andy's krank demo mp3s. approximate, mind you, not nailed down to a T.
lead channel gain around 3, bass 7, mids 2,5, treble 5, resonance 3, presence 5, tube screamer in front.
Fragle said:
oh man, i'd love to check out the krank....i mean, wherever you go you get folks telling you how much the kranks suck blah blah blah, and on the other hand andy said it was similar to gary holt's marshall.....how much of a difference is that?!?!
i guess that either 99% of the guitar players think gary's marshall sucks balls, or andy is tone deaf ;)

i was very skeptical myself, after hearing the bad rap they got...but i had the chance to play the entire krank line; they're not bad amps by any means, but i think they're gonna have a tough time selling them at their current retail prices...for $1800 there are a lot of amps i would rather than than a krankenstein, hell from the right dealer you could get a 6505 AND 6505+ for that o_O
I agree that they are expensive, and to be honest I can't get to play a krank and can't currently afford one. I just wondered if I should save up and put the extra money to it to get a Krank, probably being swayed by the fact that I love the tone on the latest Nevermore album. Then again I like so many other bands who use 5150's (6505's), such as Machine Head, older Arch Enemy, Carcass, etc. On the other hand I like the fact of having a Krank since I'm sure noone where I live will have one. I think I liked the high end on the Krank samples better than the 5150 samples, but then again I wont be running them through the same cab as the samples. Gonna run it through my Marshall 1936 2x12 cab, which I'm gonna swap out the speakers for V30's, so I won't get as much low end as the 4x12 cab's. Kinda wish I'd bought a 4x12 now, cos I dont think they are much deeper or wider than the 2x12's only taller if I remember right. But then again that also double's the cost of replacing speakers lol. Anyway guys, I just wondered really if the 6505 could get near the tone on TGE?
cobhc said:
Thinking of buying a 6505, can get a good deal on one where I live. I like the tone of the Krakenstein better from what I have heard, but the difference seems very slight (saw Matt's post about cab's on the Theocracy forum), can anyone who has experience with both these amps, chime in, and tell me if they reckon a Krankenstein tone, can be achieved with a 6505?

Thanks in advance.

i wouldnt recommend a krankenstein to my worst enemy. the rev sounds ok but i dont think either holds a candle to a 6505 or 5150. even an xxx for that matter. the kranks sound extremely thin and brittle to me, especially the krankenstein. the guys at krank itself are top notch dudes and the customer service is great...however, the tone to me is extremely sub par. I however, have never had the chance to get a mic in front of a krank in the studio, i only used them live while teching for trivium, and let me tell you man, it was baaaaad. i tend to think it was the guitar though. Corey's custom jacksons sounded great but i dont think the duncans were agreeing with the front end of that amp at all. Peter from soilwork got some decent tone from them with his emg loaded caparisons though. I called marshall within the first 3 shows after spending hours upon hours tweaking the amps and neither corey, myself or our sound man came up with anything we liked. We got a jmp1 setup and it was crazy how much better the band sounded as a whole. I even noticed the reviews of the shows on the forums going in a MUCH better direction.

Just my two cents though as andy and some other guys have seemed to have had some luck with the amps. I wouldnt mind trying them again just to see whats up again, but i have a feeling they just aint my thing.
Yeah, I'm basing it on the fact of hearing Matt's samples on the Theocracy forum, and Andy's sample on the Krank website, and also TGE. I love the tone on TGE and I know it was both a Krank and a Recto, but Matt's sample's when playing the first riff of The Psalm Of Lydia, still sounded very close to my ears.
But would you always take that over the 5150, or is it a matter of what sound you're trying to achieve. I guess I mean which would you go for first when you have a band in the studio tracking guitars?
i *guess* the krank is better for downtuned stuff such as nevermore, whereas the 5150 is better suited for thrash and the likes....the latest kreator was tracked with a 5150 iirc.

as for the question whether the 5150 can do a decent TGE tone or not....i'm tempted to say no. if there's a similar tone in there, i haven't found it yet ;)
We had a show with a band that had 2 guitar players..... one had the Randall mk1 Warhead and Randall oversized v30 412 cab.

The other had the Krankenstein with Krank 412 cab.....

The Krank sounded absolutely horrible!!! WAY too much hiss and a highended chime to it.

But the warhead was fuckin' SICK !!! OMG ! That rig owned!:headbang:

but personally, 5150 is pretty nice, I would be never pay 2.5 times the amount to own a krank over 5150/6505
you know - I stood right in front of Jensen of The Haunted on their last tour..and his Krank sounded like complete shit.

...although, what do all of you think of Damageplan's last album? If that's a krank...it sounds pretty good.... also - Andy was saying that he used the Krank on Nevermore's last album, and the guitars sound pretty good there as well..