7 strings of dogcheese


Aug 30, 2001
I just want to stir up trouble....hehehe I'd like to see a poll of neverheads asking the question should Jeff use 7 string on all the new songs, or only on some of them, or eliminate them completely........
Originally posted by WD
I just want to stir up trouble....hehehe I'd like to see a poll of neverheads asking the question should Jeff use 7 string on all the new songs, or only on some of them, or eliminate them completely........
I think you should eliminate all kinds of instruments you've been using and try some new stuff like violin, oboe and things like that. How does this sound for you?
Originally posted by Neverlady

I think you should eliminate all kinds of instruments you've been using and try some new stuff like violin, oboe and things like that. How does this sound for you?
what?????? yeah! and sound like. Rhapsody....:p
Originally posted by Neverlady

I think you should eliminate all kinds of instruments you've been using and try some new stuff like violin, oboe and things like that. How does this sound for you?

:D or saxon pipes...

Honestly, I would like NOT to hear that 7string sound. :err:
This is just not working again. Could you get Hotmail Messenger? That f*ckin' stuff is all I can run here.... :( :cry:
Id love to hear some 7string cheese hehe cause i never heard the like before! But if its dog-cheese then better forget cause that smells .. oooerghh
I don't care how many strings Jeff uses...

...Just as long as he plays like he did on POE, then i will be happy.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the new one Warrel.
like in the Dead Heart album I must say that i prefer the guitar sound on the previous releases...
Of course the production on Dead Heart was great...but too nu-metal for my taste...

btw, never online anymore?
The tone on DHIADW owns. If you could somehow apply the insane riffage on PoE, the production, complexities and song writing of Dreaming Neon Black, and the guitar tone of DHIADW, then you would have an album that rivals Rust in Peace (which is imo the best album EVER...followed closely by DNB).

I say go for the 7 string. DHIADW proves that excellent music can be played on the 7.

L8r, and good luck,