8 string guitar

Don't Sitars have 34 fretts?

And wouldn't 34 fretts be measured by halves of notes or something? Or is the neck a 35" scale bass length?
Same here. The last time I checked, 31 does not equal 34, and my mom's a math teacher, so I know math.
ptah knemu said:
Don't Sitars have 34 fretts?

And wouldn't 34 fretts be measured by halves of notes or something? Or is the neck a 35" scale bass length?

Im not sure about the anatomy of a sitar, but thanks for mentioning it! I plan on getting one because I hear they are VERY difficult to play. A perfect challenge! And I don't mean one of those electric guitars with the sympathetic drone strings, either. (check out the real cheap Rogue one, it's fun to play, but it doesn't sound the same.)
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Im not sure about the anatomy of a sitar, but thanks for mentioning it! I plan on getting one because I hear they are VERY difficult to play. A perfect challenge! And I don't mean one of those electric guitars with the sympathetic drone strings, either. (check out the real cheap Rogue one, it's fun to play, but it doesn't sound the same.)

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!! The Electric Sitar from Rogue!! I can't believe you actually mentioned it!!!! Actually, yeah I can. I just really need a good laugh about now.
ptah knemu said:
Same here. The last time I checked, 31 does not equal 34, and my mom's a math teacher, so I know math.

um i learned a bit more about those kinds of guitars and guess what? 31 DOES = 34 (in a way), the last frets are whole tone frets, so you have the range of 34 frets...
Jaen said:
um i learned a bit more about those kinds of guitars and guess what? 31 DOES = 34 (in a way), the last frets are whole tone frets, so you have the range of 34 frets...

Okay. I processed this in my brain, because I've been thinking about it alot, so I asked a math teacher: my mom. In the context used, it kindof does, kindof doesn't. In real mathematics though, 31 does not equal 34.
I wouldnt mind having an eight string. my hands a pretty big so i can handle my seven string pretty well. a six string feels like a midget guitar when i pick one up now.
How about a nine string? rusty cooly has one i think. the frets look all wierd and diagonal. But fuck it id play it.