8 year old shredder

Radd - send me this link back in 1960.. then it'd be new.

Kidding - this is old news.. yah, the kid has great picking hand, but his bends are quite poor ( non existant really ) and his vibrato/emo is nil.

Then again, he is only 8 or 9 or such. It is impressive, its pablo gilberto string skipped lines done on an ibanez by a youth.

In any event.. if this kid sticks with it, he will be a monster when he is 17 or so, wont be anywhere near what jason becker was but... its great to see!
Whenever Becker's name comes up I get this weird feeling at the bottom of my throat. It's just too much of a fucked up, unfair story. Sorry for going terribly off topic, but...

This kid is amazing. There are so many prodigys out there it's just scary!