80s High range vocals - any tips/guides/lessons?

Don't buy that Zen of Screaming video, its nothing new, I wasted my money on that. 70% of the video is filler with people telling you how good of a teacher the lady is, and only a 30% of tips and lessons.

i do somewhat agree, it's kind of like promotional stuff for actually hiring her to come teach you, but the exercises and stuff seem really good. would be nice to rip both dvd's and just make one of only exercises.
I've heard a few people say similar things actually dude.

I got the ebook Gav mentioned. It's pretty awesome!

Drinking GALLONS of water definately helps to sing for longer. I've tried and tested that!
[quote="Evil" Aidy;7821396]Drinking GALLONS of water definately helps to sing for longer. I've tried and tested that![/quote]

Our singer is determined that he has to drink beer to sing good!
Sometimes I think he says so just so he can drink. :rolleyes:
Our singer is determined that he has to drink beer to sing good!
Sometimes I think he says so just so he can drink. :rolleyes:

If I drink beer my throat closes up and I seriously struggle on the high stuff! I always end up so dry when I'm drinking beer too.

Maybe a bottle of Captain Morgan instead would help? :headbang: