99% happy this mix! My best work so far (as i lay dying/woe is me style!)

newest mix definitely is an improvement with the guitars and bass being more full and in the mix
Thanks a lot man! Guitars were just cut up to grid yeah. Copied the same guitar part which is played right before it and cut it up to grid, using 32nd or 64th notes. The effect at 1:42... is broken glass :p its broken glass, a bass drop and the guitars are pitched down. Also a snare hit.

Not sure if you're using an amp sim or not, but if you are - did you cut up the DI tracks, or bounce it through the amp sim and cut it up after? Really nice effect there!

As far as the latest clip goes - the guitars sound really narrow, like only panned 70%? Pan them HARD!

Bass is a bit too rumbly and loud in the lowend.

Drums.. kick is too loud (particularly in the lowmids), and the snare is very close-mic'y. It needs more air, reverb, OHs, room, whatever. Could come up a touch too.

It's got potential, but its sounding very Oceano/Sturgis. If that's what you're going for, you're on your way to it. If not, I'd try to make it a little more natural.
I think the guitars sounding a bit narrow stems from them sounding too similar to each other.. plus being played/edited to be too smiliar.
So they're probably just too tight :lol: Perhaps you could use another amp / setting on one side, that should make them a lot wider.

Mix and sound is great, though!

Oh and I hate to say it but the guitars at 0:08 in your latest file (the preview) sound out of tune to me.
That's really the only thing bothering me :D
Not sure if you're using an amp sim or not, but if you are - did you cut up the DI tracks, or bounce it through the amp sim and cut it up after? Really nice effect there!

As far as the latest clip goes - the guitars sound really narrow, like only panned 70%? Pan them HARD!

Bass is a bit too rumbly and loud in the lowend.

Drums.. kick is too loud (particularly in the lowmids), and the snare is very close-mic'y. It needs more air, reverb, OHs, room, whatever. Could come up a touch too.

It's got potential, but its sounding very Oceano/Sturgis. If that's what you're going for, you're on your way to it. If not, I'd try to make it a little more natural.

Thank you very much for the input Morgan!

The little glitch effect at the beginning was just cutting the DI's as I'm using amp sims. I didn't bounce anything! Just zoomed in hella close and cut them up by 64th or 32nd notes using the marquee tool.

I'll work on the bits you've pointed out and see where that gets me :) The band wanted the whole sturgis-esque sound so thats what I aimed for. I did want the whole recording a little more natural (august burns red, as i lay dying etc) but for me that would be using real amps and real drums... the bands gear isnt exactly up to much. Ah well, band are happy so far, I'm 99% happy so alls good!

Guitars are 100/100 but something is up. As jipchen mentioned on the next page, it would simply be down to having a VERY similar tone on each side and being edited so tightly.
I think the guitars sounding a bit narrow stems from them sounding too similar to each other.. plus being played/edited to be too smiliar.
So they're probably just too tight :lol: Perhaps you could use another amp / setting on one side, that should make them a lot wider.

Mix and sound is great, though!

Oh and I hate to say it but the guitars at 0:08 in your latest file (the preview) sound out of tune to me.
That's really the only thing bothering me :D

Thank you very much mate, now you pointed out the similar tone on each side it makes sense! They are edited real tight and the tone is pretty much exact. Ill have a play with the amp settings and possibly individual eq on each side.

Also, thats another thing thats bothering me now... the out of tune guitars... DAMN YOU! :lol:

I notice now and its only slightly, I'll get them to retrack tomorrow!
At :14 when they play solo'd on each side they're clearly not hardpanned..?

honestly man, they are! I'm using logic so its 64R/63L but thats 100/100. I've checked my mastering chain and my guitar chain and theres nothing weird going on. Slight stereo widening on the guitars but VERY slightly.

I'm listening to 'Myth of Atlantis Preview', the latest mix. I even imported it into my DAW, and it's clearly not hardpanned. Really odd that you can't hear it on your end (even if you take one ear of the earphones out?)

Looks like there was something up with the guitars and I was just too much of turd to even notice properly! I did try listen and it sounded fine but when I looked at those waveforms I knew something had to be up. Fucking stereo spread! Don't even know why i bothered! Anyway, thank you for pointing it out mate!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7188427/Relapse NEW PAN?.mp3

Heres a clip of the fixed (i hope!) guitars
Sick song dude, I would love to mix these tracks. This mix sounds like it would be fun to play around with.:kickass:

Would you care to upload the tracks by any chance for us?