A band that needs some forum attention: Eclipsed By Sanity


Apr 24, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I just saw these guys at the Masquerade tonight, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing: An ass-kicking delivery of thrashy riffs, great vocals, and shredding guitar solos from a gifted group of teenagers :OMG:

Going into this thing, I thought it would probably be pretty decent; but I had no idea that I was in for such a treat. I broke into a smile as soon as the entire band made their entrances after the piped-in intro (incredibly awesome, btw), and it never left my face. I banged my head through a variety of riffage - thrashing, galloping, crunching, driving, etc - reminiscent of Maiden, Iced Earth, etc :headbang:. And my jaw had the pleasure of dropping to the floor after hearing Patrick belt out this blistering high note that lasted somewhere around 10 to 15 seconds. Incredible.

But there was something wrong with this whole thing: A relatively unappreciative audience. Most people there were friends of the band who were there mostly to hangout and listen; and from the looks of them, I would wager that most of them aren't metalheads. This is why I'm posting this: Come out and listen to these guys! These guys deserve to play in front of a crowd who truly appreciate what they're cranking out on stage. If you're in the Atlanta area, please come out to their next show (details will be posted soon, I'm sure). I sure as Hell will be ... front and center :headbang:
Thank you so much for coming and checking us out. Its so hard to prove to people that we aren't just a bunch of kids that crank out stock music. We were heavily disappointed in our usual crowd because they are normally a kick ass audience, but for some reason they weren't getting into it tonight.

Im happy to have gained at least one new fan tonight, it was well worth it and it made my first show back with these guys (since June) a kickass return show.
Sorry I couldn't come. Glad you're back.


I'm really sorry I had to miss y'all's show, having seen EbS before in the intimate confines of the smaller-stage at The 7 Venue. :headbang:

I'll take solace in the fact that I seriously helped friends of mine (Godhead) out at their show tonight with their merch. At least I was (kinda) needed. :)

Very odd evening at the Roxy, as the acoustic headliner was Jonathan Davis of KoRn (!) -- backed by an astonishingly capable band including legendary violinist L. Shenkar. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised.
As usual, these guys put on one hell of a performance.:headbang: The only thing missing was the entusiasm from the crowd:puke:. If any of you ever get a chance to make it to one of their shows, you WILL NOT be disappointed. Give these guys the support that they truly deserve!
I just saw these guys at the Masquerade tonight, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing: An ass-kicking delivery of thrashy riffs, great vocals, and shredding guitar solos from a gifted group of teenagers...

Yeah, I'm quite proud of the entire band. :D They've come a long way in just a year's time. Patrick's vocals improve every time he steps on stage. And even though this was their first performance together in almost five months, they pulled it off quite well. They were able to knock the stage rust off and shine through once again.
Thanks to Hal9000 and LadyEvil69 for coming out also, and thanks especially to you RiffDaemon for giving EbS a chance to impress you. I know a couple of more forum regulars wanted to be there but couldn't due to other commitments. No worries - there will be more shows. :heh:

...Come out and listen to these guys! These guys deserve to play in front of a crowd who truly appreciate what they're cranking out on stage. If you're in the Atlanta area, please come out to their next show (details will be posted soon, I'm sure). I sure as Hell will be ... front and center :headbang:

Yes, the next show will be on Saturday December 8th at the Insomnia Venue in historic downtown Villa Rica. I'll come back closer to the date and post directions for those who would like to come see EbS at their next full show.

Thanks again! :headbang:

We have a battle of the bands to defend our championship at tomorrow night, so I'll be sure to come on here and post an update about how we did afterwards. Its actually judged, which is good because I think thats one of the main reasons we won last year. Based on talent, not popularity...and thats how it should be.
For any interested, we won the battle of the bands and the judges said we were easily the best band they've seen in a long while. We definitely take this as a compliment considering the judges were from a local music shop, so they know what they're talking about.
For any interested, we won the battle of the bands and the judges said we were easily the best band they've seen in a long while. We definitely take this as a compliment considering the judges were from a local music shop, so they know what they're talking about.

Whew, at least the judges weren't local (commercial) radio deejays. I've noticed they all too often don't have a clue...with the occasional exception being that much more notable.

Congrats! :headbang: :kickass:
yeah, there was simply no contest last night. It was like watching a pro football team mow down a bunch of jr. varsity punks. It was sad in a way.

heh heh. :heh:

This battle of the bands contest just proves - once again - that true talent will always overcome blind popularity.

For anyone who'd like to see what you missed, come on out to the Insomnia Venue on Dec 8th and witness the destruction for yourself. :kickass:
yeah, there was simply no contest last night. It was like watching a pro football team mow down a bunch of jr. varsity punks. It was sad in a way.

dunno about the jr. varsity thing (even those guys were a little small for JV players :lol:), but some of the guys in those bands were definitely punks. The guys in the bands that played with us last year were cool, but the new bands were a bunch of disrespectful, rude little punks. Before the show they were all cool, but I guess once you figure out you've lost to the better band, then you can't respect that band, make eye contact, or be the least be congratulatory. I'll never understand that, but I guess they're getting a headstart on learning the cutthroat business aspects that parts of the music industry are taking on.
For any interested, we won the battle of the bands and the judges said we were easily the best band they've seen in a long while. We definitely take this as a compliment considering the judges were from a local music shop, so they know what they're talking about.

Grats. Any idea which shop? There's a small one in East Atlanta near the Tattoo places and East Atlanta pizza (best pizza). They all seem like cool people.
and going back to last week's Masquerade show...


If he keeps this up, I'll have to start questioning Patrick's paternity... :err: ...



Yes we're headlining a special Dimebag Darrell local tribute show. We'll be performing Shattered and we're gonna add a few E.B.S. touches to it, but mostly it will be the same as the original (so yes the solo will be played and executed in Dimebag fashion) for anyone interested in coming out to see us. Granted its an all ages venue (so I doubt it gives people much incentive to come out), but we always look forward to seeing a new face or two. Any fan base growth is good growth.